choke cherry



leaves, they are very toxic. White flowers are in vertical bananashaped clusters. Making tea from inner bark treats diarrhea. A very popular common medicinal plant used to treat everything from indigestion to sore throat gargle. Lots of antioxidants and anthocyanins. Do not confuse with Buckthorn which has 2 seeds in the fruit and curved veins in the leaf (cherry leaf veins are straight). Also do not confuse with poisonous Cherry Laurel, which has hard blueblack fruit. Chokecherries are very tart. Chokecherry bark and roots used medicinally by knowledgable natives for sedative, cough, tuberculosis, malaria, stomach ache, worms, respiratory, astringent. Again- do not use bark, leaves and seeds from any Prunus species (plums, cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots and almonds) unless you absolutely know what you are doing. Only use the fruit! CHERRY- PIN CHERRIES, (Prunus avium) WILD CHERRIES, (Prunus serotina) All cherries are very high in quercitin (pin cherries are highest), which helps your body be resistant to pain. University studies have taken pin cherry extract and applied it to tumors, and many of the tumors fell off. Cherries are high in vitamin A, iron, lycopene. laxative, stimulates internal organs, prevents tooth decay, cavities, good for prostate, lots of antioxidants, anti-aging. The cherries are edible, but the leaves, bark and pits are poisonous. (cyanide)