Endre Ságvári

Ságvári, Endre


Born Nov. 4, 1913, in Budapest; died there July 27, 1944. Figure in the Hungarian youth movement. A lawyer by education and profession.

In 1936, Ságvári joined the Social Democratic Party of Hungary and became a leader of the All-Hungarian Youth Committee (AYC). In the following year he was sentenced to eight months in prison for his revolutionary activities. In 1940 he joined the Communist Party of Hungary and became secretary of the AYC.

Ságvári helped organize antiwar demonstrations in Budapest in 1941 and 1942, and in March 1942 he was forced to go underground. In 1944 he edited Béke és szabadság, the illegal newspaper of the Peace Party. Ságvári was killed during an exchange of gunfire with the police.


Pushkash, A. “Vozhak molodezhi Vengrii.” In the collection Geroi Soprotivleniia. Moscow, 1970.