designated donor
designated donor
des·ig·na·ted do·nor
deźig-nāt-ĕd dōnŏr
In health care, someone who has agreed to donate bone marrow, blood, or tissue to someone else who requires such therapy or has ordered donation of her organs at death.
blowing your nose
blowing your own horn
blowing your own trumpet
blowing z's
blowing zs
blowin' money fast
blowin' money quicker
blow in place
blow in(to)
blow into
blow it
blow it off
blow it out of all proportion
blow it out of proportion
blow it out of the water
blow it out your ass
blowit out your ass
blow it out your ear
blow it out your ear!
blow it out your i/o port
blow it over
blow itself out
blow it to bits
blow it to kingdom come
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