Boguslavskii, Sergei
Boguslavskii, Sergei Anatol’evich
Born Nov. 19 (Dec. 1), 1883, in Moscow; died there on Sept. 3, 1923. Russian physicist.
Boguslavskii studied first at the University of Freiburg and then at the University of Góttingen. In 1917 he graduated from St. Petersburg University. After 1919 he was a professor at Moscow University. He began his scientific career at the University of Göttingen under the guidance of M. Born (1911–13). Boguslavskii’s early works are devoted to electrodynamics, the kinetic theory of crystalline dielectrics, and pyroelectricity. In 1918 he showed the principal means of computing thermodynamic magnitudes from the point of view of statistical physics.
lzbrannye trudy pofizike. Moscow, 1961.REFERENCES
Kaptsov, N. A. “Vospominaniia o S. A. Boguslavskom.” In the collection Istoriia i metodologiia estestvennykh nauk. Issue 3: Fizika. Moscow, 1965.Arkhangel’skii, K. V., and G. V. Spivak. “O klassicheskoi rabote S. A. Boguslavskogo po teorii tokov, ogranichennykh ob”emnym zariadom.” Ibid.