Dream Guide
Dream Guide
(dreams)A dream guide may be anyone with the expertise to give guidance on the subject of dreams. The term is usually reserved, however, for spirit entities that provide guidance, healing, or teaching during dreams. Although contemporary psychologists, especially those working in the Jungian tradition, may view such guides as symbols for deeper and wiser parts of ourselves that speak to us in dreams, the majority of people who work with dream guides see them as spiritual intelligences that exist independent of the dreamer’s psyche.
Dream guides are a subcategory of guardian spirits (which in Western societies are often called guardian angels). The function of these spirits is to watch over and protect individuals. In some cultures, these spirits are believed to be attached to a person from birth; in others, they are acquired later, making themselves known through a vision or a dream. The manner in which these spirits’ guidance manifests varies from vague “hunches” and intuitions to visions and dreams. Dreams guides have been especially important among such Native American groups as the Iroquois.