Bogo Grafenauer
Grafenauer, Bogo
Born Mar. 16, 1916. in Ljubljana. Yugoslav historian.
Grafenauer graduated from the faculty of philosophy of the University of Ljubljana; he has been a professor there since 1951. specializing in the history of Slovenia. His major works are devoted to the settling of the Slavs in the Balkans, the history of Greater Carantania, the peasant movement of the 16th to 18th centuries, and the period of 1848–49. In 1946 he participated in the international commission for the establishment of Yugoslavia’s border with Italy and Austria.
Boj za staro pravdo: Slovenski kmet ob koncu 15 in za četku 16 sto-letja. Ljubljana. 1944.Ustoličavanje Koroŝkih vojvod in drzava karantinskih slovencev. Ljubljana. 1952.
Zgodovina slovenskega naroda. 2nd ed., vols. 1–2. Ljubljana. 1964–65.