Bogdanov, Andrei Ivanovich
Bogdanov, Andrei Ivanovich
Born 1692; died Sept. 11, 1766. One of the first Russian bibliographers.
After graduating from the gymnasium attached to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Bogdanov worked in the academy’s printing office and then became assistant librarian at the Academy of Sciences. He is the author of A Historical, Geographical, and Topographical Description of St. Petersburg . . . (St. Petersburg, 1779). Bogdanov’s manuscript Some Brief Information and Historical Research on the Origin and General Development of All Alphabet Systems . . . (1755, published almost completely in 1958) contains the first history of Russian printing establishments and is the first attempt at a bibliographical guide to Russian books. Bogdanov participated in compiling the Chamber Catalog of the Library of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the Brief Russian Chronicler of M. V. Lomonosov.