Bogachev, Vladimir Vladimirovich
Bogachev, Vladimir Vladimirovich
Born Feb. 7 (19), 1881, in Novocherkassk; died Dec. 11, 1965, in Baku. Soviet geologist and paleontologist.
Bogachev graduated from the natural science division of the department of physics and mathematics of the University of St. Petersburg (1905). He became a doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences in 1937. His principal works are on the geology of the Caucasus and the paleontology and stratigraphy of Neocene and Quaternary deposits in the Ponto-Caspian region. Bogachev studied and described many new species of marine and freshwater mollusks. His work on the paleontology of vertebrates, mainly ichthyofauna and mammals, is notable; he assembled the original compendium on the fauna of freshwater deposits in Europe and Asia. Bogachev was the first investigator of Quaternary fauna in the Binagadin locality (near Baku).
“Miotsen Zakavkaz’ia.” Tr. Geologicheskogo inta Azerbaidzhanskogo filiala AN SSSR, 1938, no. 10.Materialy kistorii presnovodnoi fauny Evrazii. Kiev, 1961.