

单词 bof
释义 DictionarySeebot


birds of a feather

Similar or like-minded people. A shorthand version of the full proverb "birds of a feather flock together," meaning people who have similar interests, ideas, or characteristics tend to seek out or associate with one another. I knew you and John would get along well. You're birds of a feather, after all.See also: bird, feather, of

boring old fart

An older person, typically male, especially one whose views or attitudes are considered boring or old-fashioned. Ah, don't mind that boring old fart. He's just cantankerous because he isn't up to speed with the way of today's youth. I've fully embraced that I'm going to be a boring old fart when I get older.See also: boring, fart, old

birds of a feather

If you describe two or more people as birds of a feather, you mean that they are very similar in many ways. Nancy and my mother were birds of a feather. You felt something special between them that left you out. We're birds of a feather, you and me, Mr Plimpton. Note: You can also use the full expression birds of a feather flock together to mean that similar people like to be with each other. Birds of a feather flock together. Basically, people seek out neighbourhoods that are most congenial to them.See also: bird, feather, of

birds of a feather

people with similar tastes, interests, etc. This phrase comes from the proverb birds of a feather flock together , which has been current in this form since the late 16th century. Its origins may ultimately lie in the Apocrypha: ‘the birds will resort unto their like’ (Ecclesiasticus 27:9).See also: bird, feather, of

birds of a ˈfeather (flock toˈgether)

(saying) similar people (spend time together): She spent most of her time abroad with other English speakers, which I suppose is only natural. Birds of a feather flock together, after all.See also: bird, feather, of

birds of a feather

and BOF phr. & comp. abb. people who share an interest or proclivity. Those guys are really birds of a feather. They are always together. We’re BOF and love to hike and enjoy nature. See also: bird, feather, of


verbSee birds of a feather

boring old fart

and BOF phr. & comp. abb. a very boring older person. (see also birds of a feather.) Bob’s dad is a vintage BOF. But all old guys are. Don’t be a boring old fart. Let’s go out tonight. See also: boring, fart, old


verbSee boring old fart

birds of a feather

Individuals of similar taste, background, or other characteristics in common. The term is a shortening of the proverb, “Birds of a feather flock together,” an observation made more than two thousand years ago by Ben Sira in the apocryphal book of Ecclesiasticus. The sentiment was transferred to human beings and repeated by numerous English writers from Shakespeare’s time on.See also: bird, feather, of



/B-O-F/ or /bof/ 1. Birds Of a Feather.

2. Boring Old Fart.


(1) (Beginning Of File) The status of a file when it is first opened or when an instruction or command has reset the file pointer. See BOT.

(2) (Birds Of a Feather session) An informal session or presentation. For example, in an IETF BOF, attendees explore a technology to determine if a working group should be established. See Internet Engineering Task Force.



Abbreviation for:
best of five, see there (Medspeak-UK) 
branchiooculofacial syndrome
broncho oesophageal fistula (Medspeak-UK)


BOFBoys Over Flowers (anime)
BOFBusiness of Fashion (resource)
BOFBirds Of a Feather
BOFBreath of Fire (Capcom video game)
BOFBasic Oxygen Furnace
BOFBest of Friends
BOFBest of Five
BOFBank of Fukuoka, Ltd. (Japan)
BOFBook of Fun
BOFBuffer Overflow
BOFBank of Finland
BOFBeginning Of File
BOFBoard of Forestry (California)
BOFBatman on Film (fan website)
BOFBoard Of Fisheries
BOFBirth of the Federation (Star Trek game)
BOFBody on Frame (automotive)
BOFBusiness Oriented Framework
BOFBottom of Fuel
BOFBottom Of Form
BOFBoring Old Fart
BOFBudget Office of the Federation (Nigeria)
BOFBusiness Object Framework
BOFBunch of Freaks
BOFBritish Orienteering Federation
BOFBande Originale du Film (French: original sound track)
BOFBug or Feature
BOFBréviaire d'Orthographe Française (French spelling and grammar software)
BOFBarrel of Fun
BOFBlown Optical Fiber (method of delivery)
BOFBall of Foot
BOFBacon Old-Fashioned (alcoholic beverage)
BOFBusiness Opportunity Form (sales support document)
BOFBedienoberfläche (German: User Interface)
BOFBand of Friends (gaming clan)
BOFBetween Ontologies and Folksonomies (workshop)
BOFBase of Fire (non-maneuver element that provides sustained cover)
BOFBinary Oxide Film
BOFBrotherhood of the Falcon (Belegarth)
BOFBack Order File
BOFBilling and Ordering Forum (ATIS)
BOFBank Operating Funds
BOFBreak on Fall (float switches)
BOFBasic Own Funds (finance)




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