capillary hemangioma

cap·il·lar·y he·man·gi·o·ma

an overgrowth of capillary blood vessels, seen most commonly in the skin, at or soon after birth, as a soft bright red to purple nodule or plaque that usually disappears by the fifth year. The most common type of hemangioma. Synonym(s): capillary angioma, capillary hemangioma of infancy, nevus vascularis, nevus vasculosus, superficial angioma

capillary hemangioma

A painless benign vascularised skin lesion which develops shortly after birth.
Many disappear in early childhood.
Local steroid injections often reduce the lesion’s size.

capillary hemangioma

Dermatology A painless benign vascularized red–purple skin lesion that develops shortly after birth Prognosis Many CHs disappear in early childhood Management Local steroid injections may ↓ the CH's size

cap·il·lar·y he·man·gi·o·ma

(kap'i-lār-ē hē-man'jē-ō'mă) An overgrowth of capillary blood vessels, seen most commonly in the skin, at or soon after birth, as a soft bright red to purple nodule or plaque that usually disappears by the fifth year. The most common type of hemangioma.
Synonym(s): nevus vascularis, nevus vasculosus.