

单词 boe



An acronym for Barrels of Oil Equivalent used to measure quantities of both crude oil and natural gas. One boe is equivalent to the energy contained in one barrel of crude oil.
EncyclopediaSeeBank of EnglandMedicalSeeBOA


BOEBased on Experience
BOEBoletín Oficial del Estado (Spanish)
BOEBarrel of Oil Equivalent
BOEBoard of Equalization
BOEBank of England
BOEBoard of Education
BOEBoard of Elections
BOEBrotherhood of Evil
BOEBill of Entry (various companies)
BOEBoard of Examiners
BOEBuffer Overflow Exploits
BOEBuilt on Express
BOEBusiness Objects Enterprise
BOEBarometer of Efficiency (Centrepoint; United Arab Emirates)
BOEBank of Employer
BOEBody of Evidence
BOEBind on Equip (gaming, World of Warcraft)
BOEBuffered Oxide Etch
BOEBasis Of Estimate
BOEBureau of Engineering
BOEBureau of Explosives
BOEBlue Ocean Event (climatology)
BOEBill of Exchange
BOEBored of Education (band)
BOEBlow Out Equipment (oil fields)
BOEBoeotian (linguistics)
BOEBénéficiaires de l'Obligation d'Emploi (French: Beneficiaries of Employment Obligation)
BOEBlades of Exile (computer game)
BOEBrewers of Europe (Brussels, Belgium)
BOEBoard of Executives
BOEBusiness Object Enterprise
BOEBenign Occipital Epilepsy
BOEBlack Ops Elite (Utah airsoft team)
BOEBatallon de Operaciones Especiales (special operations battallion)
BOEBrief of Evidence (legal)
BOEBoard of Exchange
BOEBasic Operating Expenses
BOEBill of Equipment
BOEBreak of Entry
BOEBrick on Edge (construction)
BOEBus Order Error
BOEBasic Oxide Etch
BOEBlanket Open End Contract
BOEBiodiversité des Organismes et Écologie (French: Biodiversity and Ecology of Organisms)
BOEBoard of Employees
BOEBusiness Opportunity Evaluation




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