Acronym | Definition |
BOE➣Based on Experience |
BOE➣Boletín Oficial del Estado (Spanish) |
BOE➣Barrel of Oil Equivalent |
BOE➣Board of Equalization |
BOE➣Bank of England |
BOE➣Board of Education |
BOE➣Board of Elections |
BOE➣Brotherhood of Evil |
BOE➣Bill of Entry (various companies) |
BOE➣Board of Examiners |
BOE➣Buffer Overflow Exploits |
BOE➣Built on Express |
BOE➣Business Objects Enterprise |
BOE➣Barometer of Efficiency (Centrepoint; United Arab Emirates) |
BOE➣Bank of Employer |
BOE➣Body of Evidence |
BOE➣Bind on Equip (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
BOE➣Buffered Oxide Etch |
BOE➣Basis Of Estimate |
BOE➣Bureau of Engineering |
BOE➣Bureau of Explosives |
BOE➣Blue Ocean Event (climatology) |
BOE➣Bill of Exchange |
BOE➣Bored of Education (band) |
BOE➣Blow Out Equipment (oil fields) |
BOE➣Boeotian (linguistics) |
BOE➣Bénéficiaires de l'Obligation d'Emploi (French: Beneficiaries of Employment Obligation) |
BOE➣Blades of Exile (computer game) |
BOE➣Brewers of Europe (Brussels, Belgium) |
BOE➣Board of Executives |
BOE➣Business Object Enterprise |
BOE➣Benign Occipital Epilepsy |
BOE➣Black Ops Elite (Utah airsoft team) |
BOE➣Batallon de Operaciones Especiales (special operations battallion) |
BOE➣Brief of Evidence (legal) |
BOE➣Board of Exchange |
BOE➣Basic Operating Expenses |
BOE➣Bill of Equipment |
BOE➣Break of Entry |
BOE➣Brick on Edge (construction) |
BOE➣Bus Order Error |
BOE➣Basic Oxide Etch |
BOE➣Blanket Open End Contract |
BOE➣Biodiversité des Organismes et Écologie (French: Biodiversity and Ecology of Organisms) |
BOE➣Board of Employees |
BOE➣Business Opportunity Evaluation |