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dis·place D0281000 (dĭs-plās′)tr.v. dis·placed, dis·plac·ing, dis·plac·es 1. a. To move, shift, or force from the usual place or position: Wasn't the net displaced before the puck went in?b. To force to leave a place of residence: The conflict displaced thousands of people.2. To move or shift from the usual place or position, especially to force to leave a homeland or other place of residence: millions of refugees who were displaced by the war.3. Chemistry To replace (an atom, radical, ion, or molecule) in a compound during a reaction.4. Physics To push aside and occupy the physical space of (a volume of fluid): a boat that displaces 1,000 cubic meters of water.5. To take the place of; supplant: when coal displaced wood as the dominant energy source.6. To discharge from a job, office, or position. dis·place′a·ble adj.dis·plac′er n.ThesaurusSeedisplace |