

单词 fertility



F0088000 (fər-tĭl′ĭ-tē)n.1. The condition, quality, or degree of being fertile.2. The birthrate of a population.


(fɜːˈtɪlɪtɪ) n1. (Zoology) the ability to produce offspring, esp abundantly2. the state or quality of being fertile


(fərˈtɪl ɪ ti)

n. 1. the state or quality of being fertile. 2. the ability to produce offspring; power of reproduction. 3. the birthrate of a population. [1375–1425; late Middle English (< Middle French) < Latin]
Noun1.fertility - the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per yearbirth rate, birthrate, fertility rate, natalityrate - a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit; "they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour"; "the rate of change was faster than expected"
2.fertility - the state of being fertile; capable of producing offspringfecundityphysical condition, physiological condition, physiological state - the condition or state of the body or bodily functionsinfertility, sterility - the state of being unable to produce offspring; in a woman it is an inability to conceive; in a man it is an inability to impregnate
3.fertility - the property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth; "he praised the richness of the soil"; "weeds lovely in their rankness"prolificacy, rankness, richnessfruitfulness, fecundity - the quality of something that causes or assists healthy growth


noun1. fruitfulness, abundance, richness, fecundity, luxuriance, productiveness He brought large sterile acreages back to fertility.2. ability to conceive, potency, ability to have children, ability to have babies, ability to have young Pregnancy is the only sure test for fertility.


nounThe quality or state of being fertile:fecundity, fruitfulness, productiveness, productivity, prolificacy, prolificness, richness.


(ˈfəːtail) adjective1. producing a lot. fertile fields; a fertile mind/imagination. 肥沃的,多產的 肥沃的,丰富的 2. able to produce fruit, children, young animals etc. fertile seed. 有繁殖力的 有繁殖力的ferˈtility (-ˈti-) noun the state or condition of being fertile. 繁殖力 繁殖力fertilize, fertilise (-ti-) verb to make fertile. He fertilized his fields with manure; An egg must be fertilized before it can develop. 使肥沃,使受精 使肥沃,使受精 ˌfertiliˈzation, ˌfertiliˈsation noun 施肥,受精 施肥,受精 ˈfertilizer, ˈfertiliser (-ti-) noun a substance (manure, chemicals etc) used to make land (more) fertile. 肥料 肥料



see infertilityinfertility,
inability to conceive or carry a child to delivery. The term is usually limited to situations where the couple has had intercourse regularly for one year without using birth control.
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fertility (and fertility rate)

  1. (fertility) the physical capacity of a woman or man to sexually reproduce.
  2. (fertility and infertility rate) the extent of actual childbearing in a population, usually expressed as a combination of the crude BIRTH RATE, that is births per thousand of a population, and the total fertility rate, being the average number of children women bear, currently below 2.0 in most industrialized countries. Compare FECUNDITY.
Fertility in sense 2 is affected by social factors such as income and housing conditions, contraceptive methods, religious and social attitudes to contraception and family size, and age of marriage. Fertility characteristically declines with INDUSTRIALIZATION (see DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION) and can be controlled by government strictures. For example, the Chinese government aims to restrict population growth by limiting fertility through social measures, while Russia, France and the UK have adopted various policies in the recent past to encourage higher fertility among their populations. The economic depressions of the 1930s led to lower fertility, alarming the British government, which then introduced a policy of encouraging larger families. The postwar ‘baby boom’ can be regarded as the result of both government policy and the end of hostilities.
Cerne Giant, Dorset, England. Courtesy Raymond Buckland.


(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

There has long been a belief that fertility can be controlled by magical means. Extant cave paintings and rock carvings show that religious or magical rituals were performed for this purpose; for example, a clay figure of two bison mating was constructed to ensure that the real bison mated. Clay models and rock carvings were made of the Mother Goddess, emphasizing the feminine attributes: heavy, pendulous breasts and greatly enlarged genitalia. Similarly, representations of the male deity showed him with an erect phallus. The Venus of Willendorf is typical of the female deity representation, while the Cerne Abbas Giant—a huge, pre-Roman figure with a club and erect phallus, carved into a white chalk Dorset hillside—is perhaps typical of the male.

Mating of man and woman would ensure fertility of the tribe and, by extension, it was thought to ensure fertility of the crops. It was noted that the Moon, representative of the Goddess to many pagans, equated with woman's menstrual cycles and ovulation. Those who lived close to the earth, who worked daily with livestock and with seeds and grain, were more aware of the life cycle. They continued the fertility rites long after the coming of the new religion, Christianity, and its somber declamations that all things sexual were of the devil. For centuries, the pagan people performed the sex act in the furrows of a newly plowed field to ensure a good harvest. (In fact, it is said that some farm families continue this belief even today.)

It was perhaps because of knowledge of these continuing practices that the Church's witchcraft persecutors concentrated so much on sexual matters. Accused witches were charged with making animals and fields barren and with interfering in the sexual intercourse of married couples. The Malleus Maleficarum

of Heinrich Kramer and Jakob Sprenger (1486) included such chapters as: "Whether witches can hebetate the powers of generation or obstruct the venereal act"; "That witches who are midwives in various ways kill the child conceived in the womb"; and "How witches impede and prevent the power of procreation."

Some fertility rites did continue, apparently unnoticed, under the nose of the Church. One was the Maypole dance (see May Day). Originally the Maypole was a phallic symbol, with the ribbons streaming from it representing the semen flowing. For hundreds of years, Maypoles were kept in villages and towns across Europe. A huge one was set up in the city of London, only taken down in 1517 after being repeatedly preached against. Even then it was kept, stored within a row of cottages, until 1549. At the site of the Cerne Giant on Trendle Hill, a circle of stones just above his head was the site of a Maypole ritual held annually for generations. Originally these celebrations included sexual intercourse by most of the participants, but this was eventually curtailed by the clergy. In addition to the Maypole dancing at this site, it was (and may still be) common for a woman wishing to conceive to sleep overnight on the phallus of the figure. Many Maypole celebrations still take place today in villages, towns, and cities across Britain and other countries.

Insofar as Wicca is a fertility cult, there is still recognition of the power of sex in its ritual and magical operations. The sex act is recognized as a way to raise power for the working of magic. In the Third Degree ritual of degree-oriented traditions is found the Great Rite, which is a symbolical joining of the initiate with the God or Goddess—a hieros gamus, or sacred marriage. Yet sex is looked upon as something sacred. Because of this attitude, there is no promiscuity in modern Witchcraft.



in animals, the capacity to bear offspring, compensating under normal conditions for natural mortality. Fertility, which developed in the course of evolution, is associated with longevity and varies in species with different types of reproduction. Monocyclic animals, that is, those that reproduce once in a lifetime, usually bear numerous offspring. Polycyclic animals, each of whose females may bear several litters, are usually less fertile. Animals with a long life-span bear one or two per litter; litters often are not produced every year. Short-lived animals, such as small rodents, can reproduce several times a year, bearing as many as ten to 15 young per litter. The fertility of animals changes with age and, in species with repeated reproduction, varies regularly with the seasons. Changes in the food supply and climatic conditions cause fertility to vary from year to year.


The fertility that is characteristic of each species also characterizes agricultural animals. For example, cows and mares usually carry a single fetus. Cows produce twins 1-3 percent of the time, and mares 1-1.5 percent of the time. Births of three to seven calves and four foals have been recorded. Sows, depending on the breed, bear an average of six to 12 shoats per litter. The most fertile sows may produce 17 to 20 young (sometimes as many as 30). Sheep and goats, as a rule, yield an average of one or two offspring. Romanov sheep produce two or three lambs (sometimes as many as nine). Rabbits bear an average of five or six young (up to 18). In captivity the fox produces four offspring, the sable three, the arctic fox eleven, and the mink five. Maximal use of the natural reproductive capacities of animals is important in animal breeding. It is an indispensable condition for expanded reproduction of a herd.

Domestication and the accompanying changes in the life of agricultural animals have for the most part fostered an increase in fertility, which is conditioned not only by the genetic nature of an organism but also by its physiological state and by external factors. Increased fertility may be transmitted to offspring and be established by selection and culling as an important breed characteristic. For this reason fertility is taken into account in evaluating animals and selecting them for breeding. Prolonged inbreeding or interspecific hybridization often causes a decrease or complete loss of fertility in the offspring.

An increase in the fertility of agricultural animals may be best ensured through proper feeding, maintenance, and use of the animals; proper rearing of the young; the use of stimulators (for example, pregnant mare serum); and the prevention and eradication of disease.


See references under DOMESTIC ANIMALS.


[fər′til·əd·ē] (biology) The state of or capacity for abundant productivity.


See also Abundance.antler dancearchaic animal dance, preceding mating. [Br. Folklore: Brewer Dictionary, 1]AnuIrish goddess of fecundity. [Irish Folklore: Briggs, 9]Aphroditegoddess of fecundity. [Gk. Myth.: Parrinder, 24]Astartegoddess of fecundity. [Phoenician Myth.: Jobes, 144]Astarte’s doveemblem of fecundity. [Phoenician Myth.: Jobes, 466]Atargatis’ doveemblem of fecundity. [Hittite Myth.: Jobes, 466]AthenaAthens’ patroness; goddess of war and fecundity. [Gk. Myth.: Parrinder, 33; Kravitz, 40]Baalchief male god of Phoenicians; the generative principle. [Phoenician Rel.: Parrinder, 38]Bacchus’ cupsymbolizes fecundity. [Gk. Myth.: Jobes, 397]Bona Deagoddess of fertility; counterpart of Faunus. [Rom. Myth.: Zimmerman, 43]breastsymbol of nourishment and fecundity. [Ren. Art: Hall, 52]Cernunnoshorned deity of fecundity, associated with snakes. [Celtic Myth.: Parrinder, 58]Cerridwennature goddess whose magical cauldron was misused. [Celtic Myth.: Parrinder, 58]Chloëbeloved maiden, goddess of new, green crops. [Gk. Myth.: Parrinder, 62]ClothruIrish goddess of fertility. [Irish Myth.: Jobes, 349]cloversymbolizes fecundity. [Folklore: Jobes, 350]coconutpresented to women who want to be mothers. [Ind. Folklore: Binder, 85]Cybelenature’s fruitfulness assured by orgiastic rites honoring her. [Phrygian Myth.: Parrinder, 68; Jobes, 400]Dôngoddess of fecundity; Welsh equivalent of Irish Danu. [Brythonic Myth.: Leach, 321; Jobes, 461]Dag(h)da god of abundance, war, healing. [Celtic Myth.: Parrinder, 68; Jobes, 405]Dagon(Dāgan) fish-corn god symbolizing fecundity and abundance. [Babyl. Myth.: Parrinder, 71; Jobes, 405]Demetergoddess of fecundity. [Gk. Myth.: Jobes, 429–430]double axemblem of fecundity. [Folklore: Jobes, 163]figs, garland ofa traditional pictorial identification of Pan, pastoral god of fertility. [Gk. Myth.: Jobes, 373]fishsignifies fecundity. [Mexican Folklore: Binder, 17]flowers and fruit, garland oftraditional headdress of Pomona, goddess of fertility. [Rom. Myth.: Jobes, 373]flowers, garland oftraditional pictorial identification of Flora, goddess of flowers and fertility. [Rom. Myth.: Jobes, 373]Freyagoddess of agriculture, peace, and plenty. [Norse Myth.: Payton, 257]grape leaves, garland oftraditional headdress of Bona Dea, goddess of fertility. [Rom. Myth.: Jobes, 373]greensymbol of fruitfulness. [Color Symbolism: Jobes, 356]hornbelieved to promote fertility. [Art: Hall, 157]horsesymbolizes fecundity. [Bengali Folklore: Binder, 67]Lavransdatter, Kristingives birth to eight sons in ten years. [Nor. Lit.: Kristin Lavransdatter, Magill I, 483–486]Mylittagoddess of fertility. [Babyl. Myth.: Leach, 776]old woman who lived in a shoewhat to do with so many children? [Nurs. Rhyme: Opie, 434]OpsSabine goddess of fecundity. [Rom. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 782]orange blossomssymbolic of bride’s hope for fruitfulness. [Br. and Fr. Tradition: Brewer Dictionary, 784]Pomonagoddess of gardens and fruit trees. [Rom. Myth.: Zimmerman, 218]pomegranateindicates abundance. [Heraldry: Halberts, 36]rabbitsymbol of fecundity. [Animal Symbolism: Mercatante, 125–126]Rheaworshiped orgy and fertility; mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Hades, Demeter, and Hestia. [Gk. Myth.: NCE, 1796]rhinoceros hornin powdered form, considered powerful fertility agent. [Eastern Culture: Misc.]waxing moononly effective time for sowing seeds. [Gardening Lore: Boland, 31]yellowcolor of fecundity, relating to yellow sun and earth. [Eastern Color Symbolism: Binder, 78]


Related to fertility: ovulation, infertility, Fertility drugs
  • noun

Synonyms for fertility

noun fruitfulness


  • fruitfulness
  • abundance
  • richness
  • fecundity
  • luxuriance
  • productiveness

noun ability to conceive


  • ability to conceive
  • potency
  • ability to have children
  • ability to have babies
  • ability to have young

Synonyms for fertility

noun the quality or state of being fertile


  • fecundity
  • fruitfulness
  • productiveness
  • productivity
  • prolificacy
  • prolificness
  • richness

Synonyms for fertility

noun the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area


  • birth rate
  • birthrate
  • fertility rate
  • natality

Related Words

  • rate

noun the state of being fertile


  • fecundity

Related Words

  • physical condition
  • physiological condition
  • physiological state


  • infertility
  • sterility

noun the property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth


  • prolificacy
  • rankness
  • richness

Related Words

  • fruitfulness
  • fecundity




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