common baldness


 [bawld´nes] total or partial loss or absence of hair, especially absence of the hair from the scalp; called also alopecia.common baldness androgenetic alopecia; in men called common male baldness and in women called common female baldness.male pattern baldness see alopecia" >androgenetic alopecia.

an·dro·gen·ic al·o·pe·ci·a

Avoid the incorrect word androgenetic alopecia.gradual decrease of scalp hair density in adults with transformation of terminal to vellus hairs, which become lost as a result of familial increased susceptibility of hair follicles to androgen secretion following puberty. Two areas of the scalp are commonly affected in men, the frontal and coronal; when it occurs in women it is associated with other evidence of excessive androgen activity, such as hirsutism. Autosomal dominant inheritance. See: female pattern alopecia, male pattern alopecia. Synonym(s): common baldness

androgenetic alopecia

Hereditary thinning of hair induced by androgens in genetically susceptible men and women, which occurs in ± 50% of the general population between age 12 and 40.
Dihydrotestosterone binds to androgen receptors of susceptible scalp hair follicles, activating genes that gradually transform large terminal hair follicles to miniature follicles, producing finer hair in shorter hair cycles. Dihydrotestosterone is formed by peripheral conversion of testosterone by one of two isoforms of 5α-reductase, which, with other enzymes, regulate specific steroid transformations in skin. Those with AA have increased 5α-reductase, increased androgen receptors and decreased cytochrome P-450 aromatase, which converts testosterone to estradiol in hair follicles in the frontal scalp.
Finasteride, minoxidil.
A popular term for androgenetic alopecia—thinning of hair induced by androgens—in genetically susceptible men and women, between age 12 to 40, which occurs in ± 50% of the general population. Male-pattern baldness is typical of ageing men
Racial differences White:Black, 4:1; White:Asian, 3:1
Management Finasteride, minoxidil

Patient discussion about common baldness

Q. Do you know if Propecia can truly stop hair loss and even grow back hair. do you have any statistics about it? do you know if there are any side effects to this medication?A. it does work but there is some side affects, as in E.D. while you are on the med.

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