Damjanich, János
Damjanich, János
Born Dec. 8. 1804, in Stasa, Banat; died Oct. 6, 1849. in Arad. Hungarian political and military figure. He was a general and an active participant in the Revolution of 1848–49. He directed military operations against Austrian troops and against the troops of ban Jelacic. He also directed the defense of the fortress of Arad in August 1849. After the suppression of the revolution he was executed by order of a military court.
Averbukh, R. A. Revoliutsiia i natsionaino-osvoboditel’naia bor’ba v Vengrii, 1848–49. Moscow. 1965.Spira, Gy. A magyar forradalom, 1848–49–ben. Budapest, 1959.