

单词 bodily functions

Bodily Functions

Bodily Functions

See also body, human.
deglutitionthe process or act of swallowing.desquamationthe shedding of the superficial epithelium, as of skin, the mucous membranes, etc.diaphoresissweating, especially when artificially induced. — diaphoretic, adj.diastalsisthe contraction of the alimentary canal in a downward direction as part of peristalsis.diuresisan abnormally heavy or increased discharge or flow of urine. — diuretic, n., adj.egestion1. the process of discharging waste matter from the body.
2. the matter discharged.
eructation1. the process of belching.
2. that which is regurgitated in belching.
excretionthe natural process of eliminating bodily wastes in the feces and urine.galactosisthe bodily process of producing milk.gustation1. the act of tasting.
2. the sense of taste.
introsusceptionintussusception.intussusceptionthe process by which food or other matter is taken into the body and converted into tissue. Also introsusception.intussusceptive, adj.lachrymation, Iacrimationthe act or process of shedding tears; weeping.lactation1. the secretion of milk by a mammary gland.
2. the period during which secretion takes place.
manducationthe act or process of chewing or eating. — manducatory, adj.micturitionurination. — micturate, v.olfaction1. the sense of smell.
2. the act of smelling. — olfactory, olfactive, adj.
oscitationthe act of yawning, as from fatigue or sleepiness.osteoclasisthe process by which bone tissue is broken down and absorbed by the body. See also bones.pandiculationthe process of yawning and stretching.parhidrosisabnormally excessive perspiration.peristalsisthe process of contraction and relaxation by which products are moved through the alimentary canal. Cf. diastalsis.peristaltic, adj.polyuriathe passing of an abornomally large amount of urine. — polyuric, adj.proteolysisthe breaking down or hydrolysis of proteins into simpler compounds, as in digestion. — proteolytic, adj.protopepsiathe primary system or process of digestion.purulence, purulency1. the state or condition of containing or secreting pus.
2. the production or generation of pus or similar matter. — purulent, adj.
pyrosisa burning feeling in the stomach and esophagus, sometimes accompanied by the belching of acid fluid; heartburn.secernmentRare. the process of secretion. — secement, n., adj.sialagoguea medicine or substance that stimulates the flow of saliva. — sialagogic, n., adj.sialorrhea, sialorrhoeathe act or process of salivation.stasiscessation in the flow of any of the bodily fluids, as the blood.sternutation1. the act of sneezing.
2. a sneeze. — sternutative, sternutatory, adj.
transudationthe act or process of oozing or exuding or being exuded, as the process by which sweat passes through pores. — transudatory, adj.urinationthe process of expelling fluids from the body in the urine.vomitionthe act or process of vomiting.vomituritionrepeated but unsuccessful attempts to vomit; retching or slight vomiting.

bodily functions

bodily functions

euphemism The normal workings of the body, especially those usually done in private, such as urinating or defecating. When you have three sons, bodily functions are a common topic of discussion around the house.See also: function

bodily functions

Euph. anything the body does automatically or as a normal occurrence, especially urinating and defecating. The dog needed to go outside and perform her bodily functions. It is not polite to discuss bodily functions at the dinner table.See also: function




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