Commodore 1581

Commodore 1581

(storage)Commodore Business Machines's 3.5 inch disk drive for the Commodore 64 and Commodore 128. The drivestores 800 kilobytes using an MFM format which isdifferent from both messy-dos 720 kb, and the Amiga 880 kbformats.

The 1581 supports a poor imitation of directories which arereally just partitions and largely unused. It also supportsburst loading like the Commodore 1571, but is actuallyfaster as it is better designed. It has 3160 blocks freewhen formatted.

The 1581 is the highest density C64 serial bus drive made byCommodore. However Creative Micro Designs (CMD) make theFD2000 (1.6MB) and (until recently) the FD4000 (3.2MB)3.5" disk drives. GEOS users like 1581s as they are veryfast when used with GEOS.

See also Commodore 1541, Commodore 1571.