

单词 description



D0156900 (dĭ-skrĭp′shən)n.1. The act, process, or technique of describing.2. A statement or an account describing something: published a description of the journey; gave a vivid description of the game.3. A pictorial representation: Monet's ethereal descriptions of haystacks and water lilies.4. A kind or sort: cars of every size and description.
[Middle English descripcioun, from Anglo-Norman, from Latin dēscrīptiō, dēscrīptiōn-, from dēscrīptus, past participle of dēscrībere, to write down; see describe.]


(dɪˈskrɪpʃən) n1. a statement or account that describes; representation in words2. the act, process, or technique of describing3. sort, kind, or variety: reptiles of every description. 4. (Mathematics) geometry the act of drawing a line or figure, such as an arc5. (Grammar) philosophy a noun phrase containing a predicate that may replace a name as the subject of a sentence


(dɪˈskrɪp ʃən)

n. 1. a statement, picture in words, or account that describes; descriptive representation. 2. the act or method of describing. 3. sort; kind; variety: dogs of every description. [1300–50; Middle English descripcioun < Latin dēscrīptiō; see describe, -tion]


A description of someone or something is an account of what they are like.

They now had a description of Calthrop and a photograph of his head and shoulders....his description of army life in Northern Ireland....a detailed description of the house.
Noun1.description - a statement that represents something in wordsdescription - a statement that represents something in wordsverbal descriptionstatement - a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc; "according to his statement he was in London on that day"job description - description of the responsibilities associated with a given jobspec, specification - a detailed description of design criteria for a piece of workcharacterisation, characterization, delineation, depiction, word picture, word-painting, picture - a graphic or vivid verbal description; "too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures"; "the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland"; "the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters"
2.description - the act of describing somethingspeech act - the use of language to perform some actcharacterisation, characterization - the act of describing distinctive characteristics or essential features; "the media's characterization of Al Gore as a nerd"label - a brief description given for purposes of identification; "the label Modern is applied to many different kinds of architecture"detailing, particularisation, particularization - an individualized description of a particular instancevignette, sketch - a brief literary description
3.description - sort or variety; "every description of book was there"kind, sort, form, variety - a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality; "sculpture is a form of art"; "what kinds of desserts are there?"


noun1. account, report, explanation, representation, sketch, narrative, portrayal, depiction, narration, characterization, delineation He gave a description of the surgery he was about to perform.2. calling, naming, branding, labelling, dubbing, designation his description of the country as a 'police state'3. kind, sort, type, order, class, variety, brand, species, breed, category, kidney, genre, genus, ilk Events of this description occurred daily.


noun1. A recounting of past events:account, chronicle, history, narration, narrative, report, statement, story, version.2. The act or process of describing in lifelike imagery:delineation, depiction, expression, portrayal, representation.3. A class that is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessed by all its members:breed, cast, feather, ilk, kind, lot, manner, mold, nature, order, sort, species, stamp, stripe, type, variety.Informal: persuasion.


(diˈskraib) verb1. to give an account of in words; to tell in words what something or someone is like. He described what had happened; Would you describe her as beautiful? 描寫 描写2. to say that one is something. He describes himself as a salesman. 形容 形容deˈscription (-ˈskrip-) noun1. (an) act of describing. I recognized him from your description. 描述 描述2. an account of anything in words. He gave a description of his holiday. 敘述 叙述3. a sort or kind. He carried a gun of some description. 種類 种类
to describe (not describe about) a scene.




beyond description

To a great degree. My poor car is wrecked beyond description. It just looks so awful.See also: beyond, description

answer to the description (of)

To match a description of physical appearance. We had to release that suspect—he didn't answer to the description the witnesses gave us. She answers to the description of the missing girl.See also: answer, description

beggar (all) description

To defy attempts at description; to be difficult or impossible to describe or explain. My mother loves decorating for Christmas, so during the holidays, her house is fit for Santa himself. It truly beggars description. My boss's incompetence is astounding. It truly beggars all description.See also: beggar, description

a blow-by-blow account

A very thorough and detailed description of an event or occurrence. I'm so jealous that you get to go to the gala! I'll want a blow-by-blow account when you get home tonight! Don't bore people with a blow-by-blow account that chronicles every minute of your trip—just give them the highlights.See also: account

play-by-play (description)

1. A very detailed, granular description and analysis of some sporting event or a portion thereof. And now we go to our senior sports analyst, Ty Johnson, for a play-by-play of tonight's game. Joining me for a play-by-play description of the first half is two-time Super Bowl champion Doug Douglas.2. By extension, a very detailed, thorough depiction of some event as each moment unfolded in real time. I don't need a play-by-play of how the meeting went—just give me a quick rundown. I'm dying to hear about your date last night. Give me a play-by-play description!

answer to the description of someone

Fig. to match a particular set of physical or facial characteristics. Chuck answers to the description his sister gave us. The man in police custody answers to the description of the burglar.See also: answer, description, of

beggar (all) description

to defy description; to be unable to be described. The house was a horrible mess. The place beggared description. Our reaction to the proposal beggars description. We were deeply disturbed for days.See also: beggar, description

blow-by-blow account

 and blow-by-blow descriptionFig. a detailed description (of an event) given as the event takes place. (This referred originally to reporting on boxing.) I want to listen to a blow-by-blow account of the prizefight. The lawyer got the witness to give a blow-by-blow description of the argument.See also: account

play-by-play description

a description of an event given as the event is taking place. (Usually in reference to a sporting event.) And now here is Bill Jones with a play-by-play description of the baseball game. John was giving me a play-by-play description of the argument going on next door.See also: description

beggar description

Defy or outdo any possible description, as in The stage set was so elaborate, it beggared description. This term, alluding to the idea that words are insufficient to do something justice, was already used by Shakespeare in Antony and Cleopatra (2:2), "For her own person It beggared all description." See also: beggar, description

a blow-by-blow account

A blow-by-blow account of an event describes every stage of it in great detail. She wanted a blow-by-blow account of what happened.See also: account

a blow-by-blow account

a detailed narrative of events as they happened.See also: account

beggar beˈlief/deˈscription

be too strange and unusual to be believed/described: It beggars belief that no one knew she was stealing money for so long.The sight of him completely covered with mud and oil beggared description.See also: beggar, belief, description

a ˌblow-by-ˌblow acˈcount, deˈscription, etc.

an account, a description, etc. in which all the details of an event are told in the order in which they happened: He gave us a blow-by-blow account of everything he had done that day.

beggar description, to

Impossible to describe accurately because mere words are not enough. The phrase is Shakespeare’s, who used it in referring to Cleopatra’s beauty: “For her own person, it beggar’d all description” (Antony and Cleopatra, 2.2). It not only entered the language but was, by the late eighteenth century (according to Eric Partridge), a cliché.See also: beggar



Geometry the act of drawing a line or figure, such as an arc





(also description operator or descriptive definition), a term in logic and linguistics designating special constructions that in formal languages play the role of proper and common nouns that are supplementary relative to the basic vocabulary. In natural languages this role is fulfilled by word combinations of the type “that … which … “and “such … that …” (in Russian, tot [ta] … , kotoryi [-aia] … and takoi [-aia]chto …) or by definite articles (definite description) and indefinite articles (indefinite description), respectively.

In logically and mathematically formalized languages, definite description operators, which are interpreted by the word combinations of the first type indicated above, are applied to formulas (predicates) that contain at least one free variable, which becomes “bound” in such cases, transforming the given expression into a designation of a single object, which is the value of the variable. For example, if P(x) is the predicate of x = log35, and t is the designation of the definite description operator, then ixP(x) is the descriptive noun of that single value of x for which P(x) is true. The existence and uniqueness of this object are necessary conditions for the applicability of the i-operator to the given expression and for the meaningfulness of the description. If the condition of uniqueness is not met, such a “definite” description is naturally regarded as an imprecise formulation of the indefinite description, which is interpreted by the word combination of the second type. Indefinite descriptions are precisely introduced by the so-called є-operator, which like the ı-operator, relates the dependent object to some property or relation, and by means of which it is also possible to obtain from the formulas of the corresponding calculation the object nouns (“є-terms”), with the sole difference that in order to use the є-operator neither proof of the uniqueness of the dependent object nor proof of its existence is necessary (that is, the object introduced by the є-operator, which “depends” on the assumption of its existence, is in a certain sense an “arbitrary object”). Special postulates (axioms, and sometimes also rules of derivation), which encode the formal behavior of the newly introduced formal objects (symbols) and which have the form of explicit definitions, are introduced into a given formalized language simultaneously with the joining to it of description operators. Under certain natural conditions, for a very extensive class of formal systems, the objects introduced by such expansions of the calculations are eliminated, so that the joining of a description to the system, which is extremely convenient for practical purposes, proves in this sense to be nonessential. This property, which is well known from natural languages in which descriptions serve to form synonymous expressions, also occurs for formalized languages, where the need for descriptions is due, roughly speaking, to the presence in them of a potentially infinite number of objects that have no proper nouns: like any other “abbreviations of speech,” descriptions are convenient but in principle are not necessary.


Kleene, S. C. Vvedenie v metamatematiku. moscow, 1957. Section 74. (Translated from English.)
Freudenthal, H. Iazyk logiki. Moscow, 1969. Chapter 3, par. 25. (Translated from English.)




one of the elements of literary narration, in which the author singles out some specific aspect of the narrative, such as the appearance of a person, the setting, or nature.

Static description interrupts the development of events, as in the extensive descriptions of a city or a house in H. Balzac or V. Hugo; it is used as a device for retarding the action. Dynamic description is ordinarily shorter; it is included within the events and does not stop the action, as in F. M. Dostoevsky or A. P. Chekhov. In poetry some works are partially or wholly descriptive, for example, I. A. Bunin’s narrative poem Fallen Leaves.



(slovesnyi portret, “word portrait”), in criminalistics, a method of describing a person’s appearance to aid in the identification of the person by outward features. A special standardized terminology has been developed for descriptions on the basis of anatomic and anthropological data. Outward features are divided into two main groups: anatomic, such as height, build, and facial features; and functional, such as gait, bearing, and characteristic gestures. Anatomic features are described in terms of size, form, location, and color. Anomalies, which are called special features, are also noted: lameness, birthmarks, tattoos, and scars.

Descriptions are used in operative-search investigations and other expert work. They aid in the registration and identification of individuals, the search for wanted criminals or missing persons, and the determination of the identity of corpses and living persons.



the formal statement of the characters of a TAXON with particular emphasis on those distinguishing it from other closely related forms.



1 that section of a deed or conveyance (sometimes referred to as the particulars) in which the lands being transferred are described. The description maybe verbal or by reference to a plan. Where the conveyance contains both a verbal description and a plan, questions may arise as to which has precedence, especially where the two appear to conflict. In all cases this will be a question of construction of the language of the particular deed. 2 where there is a contract for the sale of goods by description, there is an implied term that the goods will correspond with the description. If the sale is by sample as well as by description, it is not sufficient that the bulk of the goods corresponds with the sample of the goods if they do not also correspond with the description. A sale of goods is not prevented from being a sale by description by reason only that, being exposed for sale or hire, they are selected by the buyer.

DESCRIPTION. A written account of the state and condition of personal property, titles, papers, and the like. It is a kind of inventory, (q.v.) but is more particular in ascertaining the exact condition of the property, and is without any appraisement of it.
2. When goods are found in the possession of a person accused of stealing them, a description ought to be made of them. Merl. Rep. h.t.
3. A description is less perfect than a definition. (q.v.) It gives some knowledge of the accidents and qualities of a thing; for example, plants, fruits, and animals, are described by their shape, bulk, color, and the like accidents. Ayl. Pand. 60.
4. Description may also be of a person, as description of a legatee. 1 Roper on Leg. chap. 2.



The information in a deed that will precisely identify the land being conveyed, in such a manner that it cannot be confused with any other land.It is not appropriate to use a street address or a tax parcel identification number in a deed,except as additional information to aid in the description.There are three predominant types of description:

• Metes and bounds. Includes an independently verifiable starting point, distances of lines and directions, and angles between lines.

• Aliquot parts. Uses portions of one or more sections (640 acres), half sections (320 acres), quarter sections (160 acres), or quarter-quarter sections (40 acres).

• Subdivision plat. Makes reference to subdivision plats, such as “Lot 9, Block 3 according to the plat or map of Sunny Acres as recorded in the County records at Plat Book 182, Page 79.”



  • noun

Synonyms for description

noun account


  • account
  • report
  • explanation
  • representation
  • sketch
  • narrative
  • portrayal
  • depiction
  • narration
  • characterization
  • delineation

noun calling


  • calling
  • naming
  • branding
  • labelling
  • dubbing
  • designation

noun kind


  • kind
  • sort
  • type
  • order
  • class
  • variety
  • brand
  • species
  • breed
  • category
  • kidney
  • genre
  • genus
  • ilk

Synonyms for description

noun a recounting of past events


  • account
  • chronicle
  • history
  • narration
  • narrative
  • report
  • statement
  • story
  • version

noun the act or process of describing in lifelike imagery


  • delineation
  • depiction
  • expression
  • portrayal
  • representation

noun a class that is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessed by all its members


  • breed
  • cast
  • feather
  • ilk
  • kind
  • lot
  • manner
  • mold
  • nature
  • order
  • sort
  • species
  • stamp
  • stripe
  • type
  • variety
  • persuasion

Synonyms for description

noun a statement that represents something in words


  • verbal description

Related Words

  • statement
  • job description
  • spec
  • specification
  • characterisation
  • characterization
  • delineation
  • depiction
  • word picture
  • word-painting
  • picture

noun the act of describing something

Related Words

  • speech act
  • characterisation
  • characterization
  • label
  • detailing
  • particularisation
  • particularization
  • vignette
  • sketch

noun sort or variety

Related Words

  • kind
  • sort
  • form
  • variety




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