

单词 endoscopy



E0137200 (ĕn′də-skōp′)n. A slender, tubular instrument, such as an arthroscope or laparoscope, that is inserted into a body cavity or part for the purpose of visual examination, diagnosis, or surgical treatment.
en′do·scop′ic (-skŏp′ĭk) adj.en′do·scop′ic·al·ly adv.en·dos′co·py (ĕn-dŏs′kə-pē) n.


Examination of the internal organs (usually the esophagus and stomach) for diagnostic or surgical purposes using a thin illuminated instrument (endoscope). Endoscopy for other procedures uses specific names, e.g., laparoscopy, sigmoidoscopy.
Noun1.endoscopy - visual examination of the interior of a hollow body organ by use of an endoscopeexamination, scrutiny - the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)celioscopy - endoscopic examination of the abdomen through the abdominal wallcolonoscopy - visual examination of the colon (with a colonoscope) from the cecum to the rectum; requires sedationculdoscopy - endoscopic examination of a woman's pelvic organs by the insertion of a culdoscope through the vaginagastroscopy - visual examination of the stomach by means of a gastroscope inserted through the esophagushysteroscopy - visual examination of the uterus and uterine lining using an endoscope inserted through the vaginaproctoscopy - visual examination of the rectum and the end of the colon by means of a proctoscopeflexible sigmoidoscopy, sigmoidoscopy - visual examination (with a sigmoidoscope) of the lower third of the colon in a search for polyps




examination by means of an optical instrument, or endoscope, of hollow organs (for example, the esophagus— esophagoscopy) and body cavities (for example, the abdominal cavity—laparoscopy). Endoscopes are introduced through natural openings (as in bronchoscopy, proctoscopy, or cystoscopy) or through surgical incisions (as in mediastinoscopy). Endoscopy is performed under local or general anesthesia.

The first attempts to examine the urinary bladder and other hollow organs were made as early as the 19th century, but the inadequacy of the endoscopes limited development of the procedures. The possibilities of endoscopy have greatly increased since the second half of the 20th century, with the development of glass-fiber light guides and of instruments of fiber optics based on such light guides. Examination of almost all organs has become possible, and the illumination of the examined object has increased. Conditions for photographing and filming (endophotography and endocinematography) have improved, and it is now possible to make monochromatic and color videotape recordings (modifications of standard cameras and motion-picture cameras are used).

Documentation of the results of endoscopic examination have made possible objective study of the dynamics of pathological processes occurring in any organ. Modern endoscopy plays a special role in diagnosing the early stages of many diseases. The procedure is often combined with endoscopic biopsy, therapeutic measures, and catheterization. Endoscopic offices and departments have been established in many large medical institutions, and some physicians now specialize in endoscopy.


Lukomskii, G. I., and Iu. E. Berezov. Endoskopicheskaia tekhnika v khirurgii. Moscow, 1967.
Loginov, A. S. Laparoskopiia v klinike vnutrennikh boleznei. Moscow, 1969.
Sokolov, L. K. Atlas endoskopii zheludka i dvenadtsatiperstnoi kishki. Moscow, 1975.




 [en-dos´kah-pe] visual examination of interior structures of the body with an endoscope. adj., adj endoscop´ic.Upper GI endoscopy. From Lammon et al., 1995.


(en-dos'kŏ-pē), Examination of the interior of a canal or hollow viscus by means of a special instrument, such as an endoscope. See: endoscope.


(ĕn-dŏs′kə-pē)n. Examination of the interior of a canal or hollow organ by means of an endoscope.
en·dos′co·pist n.


Endoscopic surgery The use of an endoscope to view internal structure–eg, mucosa of GI tract, upper respiratory tract–eg, oropharynx, trachea, bronchi, upper bronchioles, etc, which is usually well-tolerated. See Bronchoscopy, Colonoscopy, Fetal endoscopy, Laparoscopy, Nasal endoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, Upper GI endoscopy, Virtual endoscopy.


(en-dos'kŏ-pē) Examination of the interior of a canal or hollow viscus by means of a special instrument, such as an endoscope.
See: endoscope


Direct visual examination of any part of the interior of the body by means of an optical viewing instrument (ENDOSCOPE) introduced through a natural orifice or through a small surgical incision. Endoscopy is much used by gastroenterologists for stomach and colon examination, by gynaecologists for LAPAROSCOPY especially for sterilization of women by tying off the FALLOPIAN TUBES (tubal ligation) and by obstetricians for examining the fetus in the womb (fetoscopy). See also ENDOSCOPE.


A type of medical examination in which an instrument called an endoscope is passed into an area of the body (the bladder or intestine, for example). The endoscope usually has a fiberoptic camera, which allows a greatly magnified image to be projected onto a video screen, to be viewed by the operator. Many endoscopes also allow the operator to retrieve a small sample (biopsy) of the area being examined, in order to more closely view the tissue under a microscope.Mentioned in: Achalasia, Antibiotic-Associated Colitis, Bleeding Varices, Chagas' Disease, Cholangitis, Cystoscopy, Diarrhea, Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis, Dyspepsia, Foreign Objects, Fugu Poisoning, Gastric Emptying Scan, Gastrostomy, Hernia, Hernia Repair, Mallory-Weiss Syndrome, Thoracic Surgery, Tracheoesophageal Fistula, Ulcerative Colitis


(en-dos'kŏ-pē) Examination of the interior of a hollow structure with a special instrument.

Patient discussion about Endoscopy

Q. Cn barret esophagous be cured? I was diagnosed with barretts esophagus several years ago, and so far keeps on the routine follow up. I met some other guy with same condition and he told after his doctor prescribed him with some anti-reflux meds, in the last endoscopy they found normal esophagus, and that he thinks he's now cured. Is that possible?A. Anti-reflux treatment may lower the risk of cancer a little, but it won't cure it, so there's still a need for refular follow-up.

More discussions about Endoscopy


Related to endoscopy: gastrointestinal endoscopy
  • noun

Words related to endoscopy

noun visual examination of the interior of a hollow body organ by use of an endoscope

Related Words

  • examination
  • scrutiny
  • celioscopy
  • colonoscopy
  • culdoscopy
  • gastroscopy
  • hysteroscopy
  • proctoscopy
  • flexible sigmoidoscopy
  • sigmoidoscopy




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