

单词 astronomical telescope

astronomical telescope

astronomical telescope

n (Astronomy) any telescope designed and mounted for use in astronomy. Such telescopes usually form inverted images. See Cassegrain telescope, Newtonian telescope, equatorial mounting
Noun1.astronomical telescope - any telescope designed to collect and record electromagnetic radiation from cosmic sourcesastronomical telescope - any telescope designed to collect and record electromagnetic radiation from cosmic sourcesoptical telescope - an astronomical telescope designed to collect and record light from cosmic sourcesradio reflector, radio telescope - astronomical telescope that picks up electromagnetic radiations in the radio-frequency range from extraterrestrial sourcestelescope, scope - a magnifier of images of distant objects

Astronomical Telescope

astronomical telescope

[‚as·trə′näm·ə·kəl ′tel·ə‚skōp] (optics) A telescope designed for viewing astronomical objects.

Telescope, Astronomical


an optical instrument used for observing celestial bodies. With respect to their optical systems, astronomical telescopes are divided into reflector, refractor, and catadioptric telescopes. Astronomical telescopes are employed to carry out visual, photographic, spectrographic, and photoelectric observations and may be equipped with photographic, television, optoelectronic, or other types of radiation detectors.

A visual telescope has an objective and an eyepiece. The magnifying power G of a telescope is defined as F/f, where F is the focal length of the objective and f is the focal length of the eyepiece. The stellar magnitude of the faintest stars visible through a telescope during observations at the zenith is known as the limiting magnitude m of the telescope. The limiting magnitude of a visual telescope can be estimated from Bowen’s formula

m = 3.0 + 2.5 log D + 2.5 log G

where D is the diameter of the objective in mm.

A photographic telescope, such as an astrograph or an astronomical camera, has an objective and a photographic plate in a holder and is not fundamentally different from a large camera. The limiting magnitude of a photographic telescope can be determined from the simplified formula

m0 = 22m + 1.25 log t + 2.5 log D

where D is the diameter of the objective in meters and t is the maximum possible exposure time in hours.

The limiting magnitude of an astronomical telescope depends to a large extent on the quality of the optics, the brightness of the sky, the atmospheric transparency, and the steadiness of the atmosphere.

With respect to its general structure, an astronomical telescope consists of a solid or open (framework) tube that is supported by a mounting provided with axes for aiming the telescope at the object of observation and tracking the object (seeTELESCOPE MOUNTING).

Astronomical telescopes can be classified into several types according to the use to which the telescope is put. Astrophysical telescopes, for example, are employed to investigate stars, planets, and nebulas. Artificial earth satellites are observed with satellite-tracking cameras. Other types include solar telescopes, astrometric telescopes, meteor cameras (seeMETEOR PATROL), and special telescopes for the observation of comets.


Teleskopy. Edited by G. Kuiper and B. Middlehurst. Moscow, 1963. (Translated from English.)
Maksutov, D. D. Astronomicheskaia optika. Moscow-Leningrad, 1946.
Martynov, D. Ia. Kurs prakticheskoi astrofiziki, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1967.
Sovremennyi teleskop. Moscow, 1968.



astronomical telescope

  • noun

Words related to astronomical telescope

noun any telescope designed to collect and record electromagnetic radiation from cosmic sources

Related Words

  • optical telescope
  • radio reflector
  • radio telescope
  • telescope
  • scope
References in periodicals archiveGet an extensive Astronomical Telescope Market analysis of the dominant vendors, their latest products and services, and the competitive landscape of the industry.Astronomical Telescope Market to Observe Strong Growth by Key Players/ Bushnell, Bresser, ORION, Barskad Real and anterior to the eyepiece in the astronomical telescopeLow vision--not just AMD--part 1As mentioned above, Kepler designed an astronomical telescope (a new space telescope has been named after him).The history of astronomy in Southern AfricaThe European Space Agency's Herschel observatory carries the largest astronomical telescope operating in space today; it collects data at far-infrared wavelengths invisible to the naked eye.Glistening galaxies tend to cluster in busiest parts of universeEIAST is continuing with feasibility studies and site surveys to determine the best location for the "Emirates Telescope" project, the first national astronomical telescope for the UAE.EIAST highlights technical co-operation in astronomy at Gulf Astronomy ConventionHerschel is the largest astronomical telescope ever to be put into space.Cosmic camera that was made in CardiffSo, Leckrone writes in an e-mail, "Hubble is the first major astronomical optical telescope in space." And, he continues, "is definitely the first astronomical telescope to take full advantage of the observing environment in vacuum, above the distortions produced by the Earth's atmosphere."Hubble first?This yields a very wide field of view for an astronomical telescope of about 15 degrees in diameter.Two new space observatoriesSummary: DUBAI - The first national astronomical telescope for the UAE (Emirates Telescope Project) is expected to be set up in the next
five years.National Astronomical Telescope to be Set up in Five YearsGALILEO'S invention of the astronomical telescope four centuries ago will be celebrated by stargazers all over the world next year.Celebration of Galileo's inventionA SUTTON Coldfield professor will be giving a talk on the astronomical telescope on Tuesday March 13.North City News: Far-sighted! ASTRONOMYNearly every major astronomical telescope in the world now has or is building an adaptive optical system based on the techniques developed at the SOR.Air Force Materiel Command news service (Feb. 6, 2006): directed energy scientist's career honoredMaxwell has a mountain range on Venus, Maxwell Montes, named after him and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, in Hawaii, is the largest astronomical telescope in the world.A BRIGHTER SPARK THAN EINSTEIN; Scot voted top scientistThe world's largest robotic astronomical telescope has taken its first pictures of the heavens from a 2,400-metre volcanic peak on La Palma in the Canary Islands.New scope for world's largest eye on the skyIndex has a whole range of telescopes for looking at the stars, including its pounds 9.99 astronomical telescope for youngsters aged eight and upwards, and its 525-power telescope priced pounds 59.99 for those from age 10, which includes a "finderscope", tripod, fully illustrated instruction manual and space map (both below).FAMILY: KIDS' STUFF




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