descensus testis


 [de-sen´sus] (pl. descen´sus) (L.) downward displacement or prolapse.descensus tes´tis normal migration of the testis from its fetal position in the abdominal cavity to its location within the scrotum, usually during the last 3 months of gestation.descensus u´teri prolapse of uterus.

de·scen·sus tes·'tis

descent of the testis from the abdomen into the scrotum during the seventh and eighth months of intrauterine life.

de·scen·sus tes·tis

(dĕ-sen'sŭs tes'tis) [TA] Descent of the testis from the abdomeninto the scrotum during the seventh and eighth months of intrauterine life.
See also: ptosis, procidentia
Synonym(s): descensus, descent (1) .