Acronym | Definition |
DAMA➣Demand Assigned Multiple Access (NATO and International Standards) |
DAMA➣Dark Matter |
DAMA➣Design Anywhere Manufacture Anywhere |
DAMA➣Demand Assigned Multiple Access |
DAMA➣Data Management Association (Lutz, FL) |
DAMA➣Data Administration Management Association |
DAMA➣Demand Activated Manufacturing Architecture |
DAMA➣Discharge Against Medical Advice |
DAMA➣Deutsche Arzneimittel-und Medizinprodukteagentur (German: German Medicines and Medical Devices Agency) |
DAMA➣Décoration Agencement Mobilier Aquitaine (French: Decorative Furniture Fittings Aquitaine) |
DAMA➣Drapeaux de l'Anneau-Monde Alliance (French: Flags of the Ring World Alliance) |
DAMA➣Data Mining and Analysis |
DAMA➣Department of the Army Materiel Annex |