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au·to·pol·y·mer res·in , autopolymerizing resinany resin that can be polymerized by chemical catalysis rather than by the application of heat or light; used in dentistry for dental restoration, denture repair, and impression trays. Synonym(s): activated resin, cold cure resin, cold-curing resin, quick cure resin, self-curing resinau·to·pol·y·mer res·in , autopolymerizing resin (aw'to-pol'i-mĕr rez'in, aw'tō-pol'i-mĕr-īz-ing) Any resin that can be polymerized by chemical catalysis rather than by the application of heat; in dentistry used in making dental restorations, denture repairs, and impression trays. Synonym(s): cold cure resin, cold-curing resin. au·to·pol·y·mer res·in , autopolymerizing resin (aw'to-pol'i-mĕr rez'in, aw'tō-pol'i-mĕr-īz-ing) Any resin that can be polymerized by chemical catalysis rather than by application of heat or light; used in dentistry for dental restoration, denture repair, and impression trays. Synonym(s): activated resin, cold cure resin, self-curing resin. |