

A0060900 (ə-ko͞o′stĭk)adj. also a·cous·ti·cal (-stĭ-kəl)1. Of or relating to sound, the sense of hearing, or the science of sound.2. a. Designed to carry sound or to aid in hearing.b. Designed to absorb or control sound: acoustic tile.3. Music a. Of or being an instrument that does not produce or enhance sound electronically: an acoustic guitar; an acoustic bass.b. Being a performance that features such instruments: opened the show with an acoustic set.n. Music An acoustic instrument.
[Greek akoustikos, pertaining to hearing, from akouein, to hear; see kous- in Indo-European roots.]
a·cous′ti·cal·ly adv.
Adv.1.acoustically - with respect to acousticsacoustically - with respect to acoustics; "acoustically ill-equipped studios"