Council at the Imperial Court

Council at the Imperial Court


from 1769 to 1801, the highest advisory body in Russia, founded during the Russo-Turk-ish War of 1768–74. The Council at the Imperial Court, presided over by Empress Catherine II, was composed of prominent government officials, including A. A. Viazemskii, A. A. Bezborod-ko, P. A. Rumiantsev, and G. A. Potemkin. After the war it continued to function as an advisory and administrative body under the empress, handling both domestic affairs and matters of war and foreign policy. Under Emperor Pavel I, the Council at the Imperial Court was reduced to the status of a minor advisory body; it was abolished by Emperor Alexander I in March 1801.


Arkhiv Gosudarstvennogo soveta, vols. 1–2. St. Petersburg, 1869–88.
Eroshkin, N. P. Istoriia gosudarstvennykh uchrezhdenii dorevoliu-tsionnoi Rossii, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1968.