Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park

Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Kentucky
Location:South of Burkesville, on the Kentucky-Tennessee border.
Facilities:60-room lodge, 150-seat dining room, campground with 144 campsites, including 24 equestriancampsites, restrooms, and showers, multi-use trails (15 miles), picnicshelter, swimming pool (in campground), marina, boat ramp, fishing andpontoon boat rentals, conference center, gift shop.
Activities:Camping, boating, swimming, scuba diving, water-skiing, fishing, spearfishing, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, recreationalprograms.
Special Features:Park's lodge is perched clifftop 300 feet above Dale Hollow Lake at oneof its widest points, providing spectacular views for guests. The lakewas formed in 1943 by damming Tennessee's Obey River and has 620 milesof shoreline, with plenty of shoals, small tributaries, and clean,clear water to encourage healthy fish growth. The park's campground isinsulated by thousands of acres of pristine forest.
Address:6371 State Park Rd
Burkesville, KY 42717

Web: www.parks.ky.gov/resortparks/dh
Size: 3,398 acres land; 27,700 acres water.

See other parks in Kentucky.