

单词 boa



B0354100 (bō′ə)n.1. Any of various large, nonvenomous, chiefly tropical snakes of the family Boidae, which includes the anacondas, the boa constrictor, and other snakes that coil around and asphyxiate their prey.2. A long fluffy scarf made of soft material, such as fur or feathers.
[Middle English, from Latin boa, a large water snake.]


(ˈbəʊə) n1. (Animals) any large nonvenomous snake of the family Boidae, most of which occur in Central and South America and the Caribbean. They have vestigial hind limbs and kill their prey by constriction2. (Clothing & Fashion) a woman's long thin scarf, usually of feathers or fur[C19: from New Latin, from Latin: a large Italian snake, water snake]


(ˈboʊ ə)

n., pl. bo•as. 1. any nonvenomous, chiefly tropical constrictor of the family Boidae, esp. of the New World subfamily Boinae. 2. a scarf or stole, usu. of feathers or fur. [1350–1400; Middle English < Latin]
Noun1.boa - a long thin fluffy scarf of feathers or furboa - a long thin fluffy scarf of feathers or furfeather boascarf - a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth or decoration
2.boa - any of several chiefly tropical constrictors with vestigial hind limbsconstrictor - any of various large nonvenomous snakes that kill their prey by crushing it in its coilsBoidae, family Boidae - boas and pythonsboa constrictor, Constrictor constrictor - very large boa of tropical America and West IndiesCharina bottae, rubber boa, tow-headed snake - boa of grasslands and woodlands of western North America; looks and feels like rubber with tail and head of similar shapeLichanura trivirgata, rosy boa - boa of rocky desert of southwestern United Statesanaconda, Eunectes murinus - large arboreal boa of tropical South Americapython - large Old World boas


(ˈbəuə) noun (usually boa constrictor) a large snake that kills by winding itself round its prey. 蟒蛇 蟒蛇



(bō`ə), name for live-bearing constrictor snakessnake,
common name for an elongated, limbless reptile of the order Squamata, which also includes the xlizards. Most snakes live on the ground, but some are burrowers, arboreal, or aquatic; one group is exclusively marine. In temperate climates they hibernate.
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 of the family Boidae, found mostly in the Americas. This family, which also comprises the egg-laying pythonspython
, name for nonvenomous constrictor snakes of the boa family, found in the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Australia, and the S Pacific islands. Pythons climb and swim expertly. They kill the birds and mammals on which they feed by squeezing them in their coils.
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 of the Old World, includes the largest of all snakes, as well as many smaller ones. Members of the boa family have two functional lungs instead of one, as is found in other snakes, and vestiges of hind limbs; these primitive characteristics are indicative of their relationship to lizards. Each of the two tiny, internal leg bones ends in an external horny claw; the claws are much more prominent in males than in females. Boas capture their prey by striking with their teeth and simultaneously throwing their bodies in a coil around the victim. They then squeeze the animal so hard that they can stop the flow of blood to the prey's vital organs and prevent breathing, leading to unconsciousness and suffocation. Like other snakes, boas swallow the prey whole.

Over 30 boa species are found from Mexico to South America, with the greatest variey in the tropics, and two in the United States. Boas may be terrestrial, arboreal, or burrowing. Some are brightly colored, like the green and white emerald tree boa of the tropics (Boa canina), or iridescent, like the wide-ranging rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchris). Best known is the boa constrictor (Constrictor constrictor), which lives in a variety of terrestrial habitats from S Mexico to central Argentina. It averages 6 to 9 ft (1.8–2.7 m) in length, occasionally reaching 14 ft (4.3 m), and has dark brown diamond markings on a lighter background. The South American anaconda (Eunectes murinus) is a semiaquatic boa that inhabits swamps and river shallows, catching animals that come to drink. The longest member of the boa family and the thickest of all snakes, it may reach 25 ft (7.9 m) in length and 3 ft (90 cm) in girth. The rubber boa (Charina bottae) is found in moist regions of the far W United States and extreme SW Canada. It is a burrower, about 18 in. (46 cm) long, with a narrow, blunt head, broad, blunt tail, and silver-green skin. It feeds chiefly on lizards and rodents. The rosy boa (Lichanura roseofusca) is found in chaparral in the SW United States and N Mexico; it grows about 3 ft (90 cm) long. It has large, dark brown spots on a lighter background. Several species of sand boa (Eryx) are distributed from India and central Asia to N Africa and SE Europe; all are burrowers in sand. There are also several boa species on Madagascar and several on Pacific islands.

Boas are classified in the phylum ChordataChordata
, phylum of animals having a notochord, or dorsal stiffening rod, as the chief internal skeletal support at some stage of their development. Most chordates are vertebrates (animals with backbones), but the phylum also includes some small marine invertebrate animals.
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, subphylum Vertebrata, class Reptilia, order Squamata, family Boidae.



the common boa constrictor (Constrictor constrictor), a snake of the constrictor family. The boa measures up to four m long. The color of its scales is very beautiful and variable, with a metallic sheen. The boa is distributed in tropical America, where it lives in forests, on the ground, and in trees. It feeds on small birds and animals, hunting them mostly at night. Like all constrictors, the boa crushes its prey with loops of its body. The skin of the boa is highly prized for its beautiful pattern. (It goes into the manufacture of handbags, briefcases, and other goods.)


[′bō·ə] (vertebrate zoology) Any large, nonvenomous snake of the family Boidae in the order Squamata.


any large nonvenomous snake of the family Boidae, most of which occur in Central and South America and the Caribbean. They have vestigial hind limbs and kill their prey by constriction


(1)Basic Object Adapter


(2)[IBM] Any one of the fat cables that lurk under the floor in adinosaur pen. Possibly so called because they display aferocious life of their own when you try to lay them straightand flat after they have been coiled for some time. It isrumored within IBM that channel cables for the 370 are limitedto 200 feet because beyond that length the boas get dangerous--- and it is worth noting that one of the major cable makersuses the trademark "Anaconda".



Abbreviation for:
behavioural observation audiometry
British Oncology Association (Medspeak-UK)
British Orthopaedic Association (Medspeak-UK)


(od?e-om'e-tre) [ audi- + -metry] A test that measures the ability to detect sounds of varying frequencies and varying levels of loudness. audiometric (-e-o-me'trik), adjective; audiometrist (-om'e-trist) See: spondee threshold

averaged electroencephalic audiometry

A method of testing the hearing of children who cannot be adequately tested by conventional means. The test is based on the electroencephalogram's being altered by perceived sound without the need for a behavioral response; therefore, the test may be done on an autistic, severely retarded, or hyperkinetic child who is asleep or sedated. See: auditory evoked response

behavioral observational audiometry

Abbreviation: BOA
A hearing test for individuals (such as children aged 6–8 months) who may not be able to signal their responses to sounds with speech or gestures, but who may reorient their eyes or bodies in response to sounds. Interpretation of BOA results is subjective and may not be reproducible.

brainstem evoked response audiometry

Evoked response audiometry.

evoked response audiometry

A computer-aided technique to average the brain's response to latency of auditory stimuli. Auditory brainstem evoked response (ABER), one kind of this type of audiometry, is used to test the hearing of those, esp. children, who cannot be tested in the usual manner. Synonym: brainstem evoked response audiometry

immittance audiometry

Audiometry that combines acoustic reflex testing, a reflex decay test, and tympanometry. Formerly called impedance or tympanometry testing, it is a test that measures the structural integrity and normal functioning of the tympanic membrane and the middle ear.

play audiometry

A hearing test of preschool children (ages 3 and up) in which the child is asked to drop a toy into a pail whenever he or she hears a tone.

pure tone audiometry

A test to determine hearing sensitivity and hearing loss in response to different sound frequencies. The test subject is exposed to sounds of specific frequencies within the normal range of human speech (about 250– 8000 Hz). Each tonal frequency is presented to the subject at different increasing intensities or decibels of sound until he or she identifies the frequency. A chart is constructed representing the range of detectable frequencies and the sound intensity (loudness) required to elicit a response from the subject.

speech audiometry

A test of the ability to hear and understand speech. The threshold of detection is measured in decibels.

visual reinforcement audiometry

A method of testing the hearing of children under 3 in which the child is rewarded when he or she looks toward a sound source.

behavioral observational audiometry

Abbreviation: BOA
A hearing test for individuals (such as children aged 6–8 months) who may not be able to signal their responses to sounds with speech or gestures, but who may reorient their eyes or bodies in response to sounds. Interpretation of BOA results is subjective and may not be reproducible. See also: audiometry
FinancialSeeBill of Activities


BOABank of America
BOABoard of Adjustment
BOABands of America
BOABind on Account (gaming)
BOABank of Alexandria (Egypt)
BOABuilders of America (Winter Garden, FL)
BOABank of Africa (est. 1982)
BOABoard of Accountancy
BOABritish Orthopaedic Association
BOABuitengewoon Opsporingsambtenaar (Dutch: Extraordinary Investigation Officer; Netherlands)
BOABest of All
BOABoletín Oficial de Aragón
BOABoard Of Advisors
BOABasic Ordering Agreement
BOABritish Osteopathic Association (Luton, Bedfordshire, UK)
BOABranch Office Administrator
BOABuffer Overflow Attack
BOABlack Oak Arkansas (band)
BOABuffer Overflow Attack (computing)
BOABased on Availability (lodging, travel)
BOABand of Angels (Menlo Park, CA)
BOABayesian Optimization Algorithm
BOABasic Object Adapter
BOABest of Accessibility (symposium)
BOABayesian Output Analysis
BOABoard of Architects
BOABoard of Administration (Alabama prison board, 1923-39)
BOABoard of Auditors
BOABy Appointment Only
BOABirds of Avalon (band)
BOABest of America
BOABeat of the Angel
BOABusiness Online Access
BOABritish Olympics Association (London, UK)
BOABorn-Oppenheimer Approximation
BOABaja Outdoor Activities (La Paz, Baja California, Mexico)
BOABelastungsorientierte Auftragsfreigabe
BOABenzin-Og Oliebranchens Arbejdsgiverforening
BOABlue Oxen Associates (San Francisco, CA)
BOABrotherhood of Arms
BOABroad Ocean Area
BOABounders of America
BOABattle of Atlantic (UK)
BOABuilt on Athletics (brand name)
BOABlanket Order Agreement
BOABlade of Awe (gaming, Adventurequest)
BOABureau of Architecture
BOABinary-translation Optimized Architecture
BOABattlefield Ordnance Awareness (US Army)
BOABank of Australasia
BOABusiness Opportunity Assessment
BOABeginning of Activity
BOABolometer Data Analysis Project
BOABorn Out of Asepsis
BOABureau Of Advertising
BOABestuursondersteuning en Advies (Dutch)
BOABan on Acronyms
BOABuyer Offload Analysis
BOABringers of Anarchy (gaming)
BOABusiness Object Application
BOABusiness Officer Academy (University of California, San Diego)
BOABusiness Operating Agreement
BOABreak-Off Altitude
BOABroadcast Overlay Architecture (FastForward Networks)
BOABusiness Owned Application
BOABandwidth Overhead Analysis
BOABook O' Acronyms :-)
BOABlank Ordering Agreement
BOABusiness Optimization Appliance (2MI)
BOABusiness Operations Assistant
BOABottles of Australia Pty Limited (Tuggeranong, ACT, Australia)
BOABrotherhood of Armageddon (gaming clan)
BOABuying on Agreement
BOABritish Octopush Society
BOABack Order Addendum File
BOABlacksmiths Organization of Arkansas
BOABachelor of Office Administration


  • noun

Synonyms for boa

noun a long thin fluffy scarf of feathers or fur


  • feather boa

Related Words

  • scarf

noun any of several chiefly tropical constrictors with vestigial hind limbs

Related Words

  • constrictor
  • Boidae
  • family Boidae
  • boa constrictor
  • Constrictor constrictor
  • Charina bottae
  • rubber boa
  • tow-headed snake
  • Lichanura trivirgata
  • rosy boa
  • anaconda
  • Eunectes murinus
  • python




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