Ferry County

Ferry County, Washington

290 E Tessie Ave
Republic, WA 99166
Phone: (509) 775-5229
Fax: (509) 775-5230

On northeastern border of WA, northwest of Spokane; organized as Eureka County Jan 12, 1899 from Stevens County; name changed Feb 16, 1899. Northern half is part of Colville National Forest; southern half comprises the Colville Indian Reservation. Name Origin: For Elisha Peyre Ferry (1825-95), first governor of WA (1889-93)

Area (sq mi):: 2257.46 (land 2203.98; water 53.48) Population per square mile: 3.40
Population 2005: 7,542 State rank: 36 Population change: 2000-20005 3.90%; 1990-2000 15.30% Population 2000: 7,260 (White 74.90%; Black or African American 0.20%; Hispanic or Latino 2.80%; Asian 0.30%; Other 24.10%). Foreign born: 2.50%. Median age: 40.00
Income 2000: per capita $15,019; median household $30,388; Population below poverty level: 19.00% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $17,265-$18,955
Unemployment (2004): 10.70% Unemployment change (from 2000): -3.80% Median travel time to work: 24.00 minutes Working outside county of residence: 21.40%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in Washington.