Ferrous Metallurgy, Institute of

Ferrous Metallurgy, Institute of


(full name, I. P. Bardin Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy; TsNIIchermet), an institute under the administration of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR.

The Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy was founded in 1944 on the initiative of I. P. Bardin, after whom it was named in 1960. The world’s largest research organization in ferrous metallurgy, it has six specialized subdivisions: the Institute of New Metallurgical Technology, the Institute of Precision Alloys, the Institute of Quality Steels, the Institute of Metal Science and Metal Physics, the Institute of the Economics of Ferrous Metallurgy, and the Institute of Standard Samples. TsNIIchermet also includes an experimental plant and departments dealing with, for example, standardization and coordination.

The institute has developed new techniques applicable to such processes as the basic oxygen process and continuous steel casting and has created new steels, alloys, and composites. Fundamental aspects of the theory of metallurgical processes are studied at the institute, which confers the degrees of doctor of sciences and candidate of sciences. TsNIIchermet publishes 12 specialized industrial journals. It was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1969.