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cantering rhythm ThesaurusNoun | 1.cantering rhythm - cardiac rhythm characterized by the presence of an extra sound; can indicate a heart abnormalitygallop rhythmarrhythmia, cardiac arrhythmia - an abnormal rate of muscle contractions in the heart | EncyclopediaSeegallopcantering rhythm
gal·lop (gal'ŏp), A triple cadence to the heart sounds; due to an abnormal third or fourth heart sound being heard in addition to the first and second sounds, and usually indicative of serious disease. Synonym(s): bruit de galop, cantering rhythm, gallop rhythm, Traube bruitgal·lop , gallop rhythm (gal'ŏp, ridh'ŭm) A triple cadence to the heart sounds due to an abnormal third or fourth heart sound being heard in addition to the first and second sounds; sometimes indicative of serious disease. Synonym(s): cantering rhythm, Traube bruit. rhythm (rith'im) [Gr. rhythmos, measured motion] 1. A measured time or movement; regularity of occurrence of action or function.2. In electroencephalography, the regular occurrence of an impulse. rhythmic (-mik), adjectiveaccelerated idioventricular rhythm Abbreviation: AIVR An abnormal ectopic cardiac rhythm originating in the ventricular conducting system. This may occur intermittently after myocardial infarction at a rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute. In this setting it is considered to be an indicator of successful reperfusion of the blocked coronary artery. alpha rhythmIn electroencephalography, oscillations in electric potential occurring at a rate of 8 1 2 to 12 per second.atrioventricular rhythmThe rhythmic discharges of impulses from the atrioventricular node that occur when the activity of the sinoatrial node is depressed or abolished. Synonym: nodal rhythmbeta rhythmIn electroencephalography, waves ranging in frequency from 15 to 30 per second and of lower voltage than alpha waves. This rhythm is more pronounced in the frontomotor leads. bigeminal rhythmThe coupling of extrasystoles with previously normal beats of the heart. See: bigeminal pulsebiological rhythmThe regular occurrence of certain phenomena in living organisms. See: circadian rhythm; biological clockcantering rhythmGallop.cardiac rhythmThe predominant electrical activity of the heart. It may be determined by recording an electrocardiogram or by evaluating tracings made by a cardiac monitor. See: cardiac cycle; electrocardiogram; conduction system of the heartcircadian rhythmDiverse yet predictable changes in physiological variables, including sleep, appetite, temperature, and hormone secretion, over a 24-hr period. Synonym: diurnal rhythmcoupled rhythmA rhythm in which every other heartbeat produces no pulse at the wrist.delta rhythmIn electroencephalography, slow waves with a frequency of 4 or fewer per second and of relatively high voltage (20 to 200 µV). It may be found over the area of a gross lesion such as a tumor or hemorrhage. diurnal rhythmCircadian rhythm.ectopic rhythmA heart rhythm originating outside the sinoatrial node.escape rhythmA heart rhythm that arises from a junctional or ventricular source when impulses from the atria or atrioventricular node are blocked.gallop rhythmGallop.gamma rhythmThe 50-per-second rhythm seen in the electroencephalogram. idioventricular rhythmA cardiac rhythm that arises from pacemakers in ventricular muscle.junctional rhythmAn electrocardiographic rhythm arising in the atrioventricular junction. It appears as an electrocardiogram as a narrow QRS complex that lacks an upright P wave preceding it. normal sinus rhythmThe normal heart rhythm whose pacemaker is in the sinoatrial node and whose conduction through the atria, atrioventricular node, and ventricles is unimpaired. The interval between complexes is regular, the ventricular rate is 60 to 100, there are upright P waves in leads I and II, a negative P wave in lead AVR, a P-R interval of 0.12 to 0.20 sec, and one P wave preceding each QRS complex. Synonym: sinus rhthymnyctohemeral rhythmDay and night rhythm.shockable rhythmIn emergency cardiac care, any of the following cardiac rhythm disturbances: ventricular fibrillation, pulseless ventricular tachycardia or some poorly tolerated supraventricular tachycardias, e.g., some instances of rapid atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, or AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia. By contrast, asystole, pulseless electrical activity, heart blocks, and the bradycardias are not shockable. Defibrillation or cardioversion of these latter rhythms may result in injury to the patient. sinus rhythmNormal sinus rhythm.theta rhythmThe 4- to 7-per-second rhythm seen in the electroencephalogram. ventricular rhythm1. The pace and synchrony of ventricular depolarization.2. An escape rhythm that arises in the ventricles, typically with wide QRS complexes and a rate of 30 to 40 beats per minute.cantering rhythm
Synonyms for cantering rhythmnoun cardiac rhythm characterized by the presence of an extra soundSynonymsRelated Words- arrhythmia
- cardiac arrhythmia