Acronym | Definition |
BCT➣Brigade Combat Team |
BCT➣Basic Combat Training |
BCT➣Bank Consortium Trust (Hong Kong) |
BCT➣Business Computer Technology (various organizations) |
BCT➣Business Cordless Telephone |
BCT➣Branch on Condition True |
BCT➣Business Cards Tomorrow |
BCT➣Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (EPA) |
BCT➣Banque Centrale de Tunisie (Central Bank of Tunisia) |
BCT➣Bat Conservation Trust (UK) |
BCT➣Broward County Transit (Florida) |
BCT➣Big City Tavern (Boca Raton, FL) |
BCT➣Breast Conservation Therapy |
BCT➣Bureau Central de Tarification (French: Central Pricing Office) |
BCT➣Battle Command Training |
BCT➣Behavioural Couples Therapy (psychology) |
BCT➣Basic Cadet Training (United States Air Force Academy) |
BCT➣Body-Centered Tetragonal |
BCT➣Bachelor of Computer Technology (degree; various locations) |
BCT➣Business and Community Training (various locations) |
BCT➣Bakersfield Community Theatre (Bakersfield, CA) |
BCT➣Broad Complex Tachycardia (cardiology) |
BCT➣Best Conventional Technology |
BCT➣BRAC Cleanup Team |
BCT➣Best Control Technology |
BCT➣Breakaway Cable Terminal (Road Furniture/Crash Barriers) |
BCT➣Bonneville Cutthroat Trout (fish) |
BCT➣BiCMos Technology |
BCT➣Board Certified Trainer |
BCT➣Bay City Times (Michigan newspaper) |
BCT➣Business Continuity Test (computing) |
BCT➣Bushing Current Transformer |
BCT➣Butte County Transit |
BCT➣Brisbane College of Theology |
BCT➣Beijing Capital Tire (China) |
BCT➣Battle Creek Transit |
BCT➣BiCMOS Bus-Interface Technology (family of logic integrated circuits) |
BCT➣Broward Central Terminal |
BCT➣Bunbury City Transit (Australia) |
BCT➣Boston Consolidated TRACON |
BCT➣Beach Cities Transit (Redondo Beach, CA) |
BCT➣Bushido Club de Trappes (French martial arts club) |
BCT➣Basic Clinical Training |
BCT➣Behavior Consultation Team |
BCT➣Bus Configuration Table |
BCT➣Battlefield Communications Terminal |
BCT➣Blood Clotting Time |
BCT➣Battlefield Command Terminal |
BCT➣Blind Call Transfer (telephony) |
BCT➣Business Communications Terminal |
BCT➣Brigade Cavalry Troop |
BCT➣by copy to |
BCT➣Badminton Club de Tournefeuille (French badminton club) |
BCT➣Beam Change Trigger |
BCT➣Briefcase Terminal |
BCT➣Block Cosine Transform |
BCT➣Boolean Constraint Tree |
BCT➣Buffered Communication Terminal (NASCOM) |
BCT➣Beer Cup Throw (Facebook game) |
BCT➣Building Consolidation Team |
BCT➣Boca Raton, FL, USA - Municipal (airport code) |
BCT➣Baltimore Career Training (Maryland) |
BCT➣Basket Club Tretsois (French basketball club) |