Acronym | Definition |
BMV➣Bureau of Motor Vehicles |
BMV➣Bolsa Mexicana de Valores |
BMV➣Bundesministerium für Verkehr (German: Federal Ministry of Transport) |
BMV➣Best and Most Versatile (agricultural land; UK) |
BMV➣Below Market Value |
BMV➣Bioanalytical Method Validation |
BMV➣Brome Mosaic Virus |
BMV➣Bedside Medication Verification |
BMV➣Boston Musica Viva |
BMV➣Be My Valentine |
BMV➣Bag Valve Mask |
BMV➣Betamethasone Valerate |
BMV➣Bele Minden Vackot (Hungarian punk band) |
BMV➣Biréfringence Magnétique du Vide (French quantum electrodynamics project) |
BMV➣Backward Motion Vector |
BMV➣Bovine Maedi-Like Virus |
BMV➣Berthier-Millie-Veillard Method |