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DictionarySeedermatosisdermatosis papulosa nigra
der·ma·to·sis pa·pu·lo·'sa ni'g·ra [MIM*125600] dark brown papular lesions, observed in blacks, on the face and upper trunk; histologically and clinically, they resemble seborrheic keratoses.der·ma·to·sis pa·pu·lo·sa nig·ra (dĕrmă-tōsis pap-yū-lōsă nīgră) Dark brown papular lesions, observed in black people, on the face and upper trunk; histologically and clinically, they resemble seborrheic keratoses. dermatosis papulosa nigraAn eruption consisting of many tiny tumors, or milia, on facial skin. It is more common in blacks than in other ethnic groups. See also: dermatosisAcronymsSeeDPN |