

单词 ease



E0010300 (ēz)n.1. The condition of being comfortable or relieved.2. a. Freedom from pain, worry, or agitation: Her mind was at ease knowing that the children were safe.b. Freedom from constraint or embarrassment; naturalness.3. a. Freedom from difficulty, hardship, or effort: rose through the ranks with apparent ease.b. Readiness or dexterity in performance; facility: a pianist who played the sonata with ease.4. Freedom from financial difficulty; affluence: a life of luxury and ease.5. A state of rest, relaxation, or leisure: He took his ease by the pond.v. eased, eas·ing, eas·es v.tr.1. To free from pain, worry, or agitation: eased his conscience by returning the stolen money.2. a. To lessen the discomfort or pain of: shifted position to ease her back.b. To alleviate; assuage: prescribed a drug to ease the pain.3. To give respite from: eased the staff's burden by hiring more people.4. To slacken the strain, pressure, or tension of; loosen: ease off a cable.5. To reduce the difficulty or trouble of: eased the entrance requirements.6. To move or maneuver slowly and carefully: eased the car into a narrow space; eased the director out of office.v.intr.1. To lessen, as in discomfort, pressure, or stress: pain that never eased.2. To move or proceed with little effort: eased through life doing as little as possible.Idiom: at ease1. In a relaxed position, especially standing silently at rest with the right foot stationary: put the soldiers at ease while waiting for inspection.2. Used as a command for troops to assume a relaxed position.
[Middle English ese, from Old French aise, elbowroom, physical comfort, from Vulgar Latin *adiacēs, adiac-*adiac-, alteration of Latin adiacēns, adiacent-, present participle of adiacēre, to lie near; see adjacent.]


(iːz) n1. freedom from discomfort, worry, or anxiety2. lack of difficulty, labour, or awkwardness; facility3. rest, leisure, or relaxation4. freedom from poverty or financial embarrassment; affluence: a life of ease. 5. lack of restraint, embarrassment, or stiffness: his ease of manner disarmed us. 6. (Military) (of a standing soldier, etc) in a relaxed position with the feet apart and hands linked behind the back7. (Military) a command to adopt such a position8. in a relaxed attitude or frame of mindvb9. to make or become less burdensome10. (tr) to relieve (a person) of worry or care; comfort11. (tr) to make comfortable or give rest to12. (tr) to make less difficult; facilitate13. to move or cause to move into, out of, etc, with careful manipulation: to ease a car into a narrow space. 14. (when: intr, often foll by off or up) to lessen or cause to lessen in severity, pressure, tension, or strain; slacken, loosen, or abate15. ease oneself ease nature archaic euphemistic to urinate or defecate16. (Nautical Terms) ease the helm nautical to relieve the pressure on the rudder of a vessel, esp by bringing the bow into the wind[C13: from Old French aise ease, opportunity, from Latin adjacēns neighbouring (area); see adjacent] ˈeaser n



n., v. eased, eas•ing. n. 1. freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; relaxation or comfort: to enjoy one's ease. 2. freedom from concern, anxiety, or solicitude: to be at ease about one's health. 3. freedom from difficulty or great effort; facility: It can be done with ease. 4. freedom from financial need; plenty: a life of ease. 5. freedom from stiffness, constraint, or formality; unaffectedness. v.t. 6. to free from anxiety or care: to ease one's mind. 7. to mitigate, lighten, or lessen: to ease pain. 8. to release from pressure or tension. 9. to move or shift with great care: to ease a car into a narrow parking space. 10. to render less difficult; facilitate. 11. a. to bring (the helm or rudder of a vessel) slowly amidships. b. to bring the head of (a vessel) into the wind. v.i. 12. to abate in severity, pressure, tension, etc. (often fol. by off or up). 13. to become less painful, burdensome, etc. 14. to move or shift, or be moved or shifted, with great care. 15. ease out, to prevail upon tactfully to leave a job, move from an apartment, etc. Idioms: at ease, a position of rest in which soldiers standing in formation may relax but may not leave their places or talk. [1175–1225; Middle English ese, eise < Anglo-French ese, Old French aise, eise comfort < Vulgar Latin *adjace(m), acc. of *adjacēs vicinity, Latin adjacēns adjacent, taken as a n. of the type nūbēs, acc. nūbem cloud]


- First meant "opportunity, ability," or "means to do something."See also related terms for opportunity.


  1. (I meet men in the city) as easily as a finger stuck in water comes up wet —Marge Piercy
  2. As easily as a hot knife cuts through butter —Ben Ames Williams

    In Williams’ novel, Leave Her to Heaven, the simile describes the ease with which flood waters penetrate a barrier. The simile has also cropped up in everyday language to show something slipping by or through easily —as a legal decision past a judge.

  3. As hard to get as a haircut —Raymond Chandler
  4. (Returned to normality) as smoothly as a ski jumper landing —John Braine
  5. Did so without effort or exertion, like a chess champion playing a routine game —Natascha Wodin
  6. Easy as a smile —Anon
  7. Easy as a snake crawling over a stick —Joseph Conrad
  8. Easy as breathing in and breathing out —Louise Erdrich
  9. Easy as climbing a fallen tree —Danish proverb
  10. Easy as drawing a child’s first tooth —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  11. Easy as falling out of a canoe —Anon
  12. Easy as finding fault in someone else —Anon
  13. Easy as for a cat to have twins —American colloquialism, attributed to New England
  14. Easy as opening a letter —Anon
  15. Easy as peeling the skin off a banana —Anon
  16. Easy as pie —Anon
  17. Easy as pointing a finger —Slogan, Colt Patent Fire Arms Mfg. Co.
  18. Easy as pouring a glass of water —Anon
  19. Easy as riding down smoothly paved road —Anon
  20. Easy as rolling off a log —Mark Twain
  21. Easy as running up charge account bills —Anon
  22. Easy as scrambling an egg —Anon
  23. Easy as shooting down a fish in a barrel —Anon
  24. Easy as spitting —Anton Chekhov
  25. Easy as stealing pennies from a blind man’s can —Donald Seaman
  26. Easy as to set dogs on sheep —William Shakespeare
  27. Easy as turning on the TV set —Anon
  28. Easy as turning the page in a book —Anon
  29. Easy … like sliding into sin —Harry Prince
  30. An easy thing to do, light and easy like falling in a dream —George Garrett
  31. Go through … like so much dishwater —McKinlay Kantor
  32. Stepped into his position as easily as a pair of trousers —Anon
  33. Stepped into manhood, as one steps over a doorsill —Mark Twain
  34. Went in … as easily as paper into a vacuum cleaner —Derek Lambert
  35. Would happen as the turning of a light bulb on or off —John McGahern


Past participle: eased
Gerund: easing
I ease
you ease
he/she/it eases
we ease
you ease
they ease
I eased
you eased
he/she/it eased
we eased
you eased
they eased
Present Continuous
I am easing
you are easing
he/she/it is easing
we are easing
you are easing
they are easing
Present Perfect
I have eased
you have eased
he/she/it has eased
we have eased
you have eased
they have eased
Past Continuous
I was easing
you were easing
he/she/it was easing
we were easing
you were easing
they were easing
Past Perfect
I had eased
you had eased
he/she/it had eased
we had eased
you had eased
they had eased
I will ease
you will ease
he/she/it will ease
we will ease
you will ease
they will ease
Future Perfect
I will have eased
you will have eased
he/she/it will have eased
we will have eased
you will have eased
they will have eased
Future Continuous
I will be easing
you will be easing
he/she/it will be easing
we will be easing
you will be easing
they will be easing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been easing
you have been easing
he/she/it has been easing
we have been easing
you have been easing
they have been easing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been easing
you will have been easing
he/she/it will have been easing
we will have been easing
you will have been easing
they will have been easing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been easing
you had been easing
he/she/it had been easing
we had been easing
you had been easing
they had been easing
I would ease
you would ease
he/she/it would ease
we would ease
you would ease
they would ease
Past Conditional
I would have eased
you would have eased
he/she/it would have eased
we would have eased
you would have eased
they would have eased
Noun1.ease - freedom from difficulty or hardship or effortease - freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort; "he rose through the ranks with apparent ease"; "they put it into containers for ease of transportation"; "the very easiness of the deed held her back"easiness, simpleness, simplicityeffortlessness - the quality of requiring little effort; "such effortlessness is achieved only after hours of practice"quality - an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespearedifficultness, difficulty - the quality of being difficult; "they agreed about the difficulty of the climb"
2.ease - a freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state; "a life of luxury and ease"; "he had all the material comforts of this world"comfortaffluence, richness - abundant wealth; "they studied forerunners of richness or poverty"; "the richness all around unsettled him for he had expected to find poverty"lap of luxury - in conditions of wealth and comfort; "he was raised in the lap of luxury"
3.ease - the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress); "he enjoyed his relief from responsibility"; "getting it off his conscience gave him some ease"reliefcomfort, comfortableness - a state of being relaxed and feeling no pain; "he is a man who enjoys his comfort"; "she longed for the comfortableness of her armchair"reprieve, respite - a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort
4.ease - freedom from constraint or embarrassment; "I am never at ease with strangers"informalitynaturalness - the quality of being natural or based on natural principles; "he accepted the naturalness of death"; "the spontaneous naturalness of his manner"
5.ease - freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)ease - freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility); "took his repose by the swimming pool"repose, rest, relaxationinactivity - being inactive; being less activebed rest, bedrest - confinement to bed continuously (as in the case of some sick or injured persons)laziness - relaxed and easy activity; "the laziness of the day helped her to relax"lie-in - a long stay in bed in the morningdormancy, quiescence, quiescency, sleeping - quiet and inactive restfulnessleisure - freedom to choose a pastime or enjoyable activity; "he lacked the leisure for golf"
Verb1.ease - move gently or carefully; "He eased himself into the chair"go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"ease up, give way, move over, yield, give - move in order to make room for someone for something; "The park gave way to a supermarket"; "`Move over,' he told the crowd"
2.ease - lessen pain or discomfort; alleviate; "ease the pain in your legs"comfortalleviate, relieve, palliate, assuage - provide physical relief, as from pain; "This pill will relieve your headaches"
3.ease - make easierease - make easier; "you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge"facilitate, alleviateaid, assist, help - give help or assistance; be of service; "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"; "Can you help me carry this table?"; "She never helps around the house"
4.ease - lessen the intensity of or calmease - lessen the intensity of or calm; "The news eased my conscience"; "still the fears"allay, still, relievecomfort, console, solace, soothe - give moral or emotional strength toabreact - discharge bad feelings or tension through verbalization


noun1. straightforwardness, simplicity, readiness For ease of reference, only the relevant extracts of the regulations are included.2. comfort, luxury, leisure, relaxation, prosperity, affluence, rest, repose, restfulness She lived a life of ease.
comfort pain, difficulty, poverty, discomfort, hardship, irritation, tribulation
3. peace of mind, peace, content, quiet, comfort, happiness, enjoyment, serenity, tranquillity, contentment, calmness, quietude Qigong exercises promote ease of mind and body.
peace of mind tension, disturbance, discomfort, agitation, awkwardness, clumsiness
4. naturalness, informality, freedom, liberty, unaffectedness, unconstraint, unreservedness, relaxedness Co-stars particularly appreciate his ease on the set.
naturalness constraint, formality, awkwardness, clumsiness
verb1. relieve, calm, moderate, soothe, lessen, alleviate, appease, lighten, lower, allay, relax, still, mitigate, assuage, pacify, mollify, tranquillize, palliate I gave him some brandy to ease the pain.
relieve irritate, worsen, exacerbate, aggravate
2. reduce, moderate, weaken, diminish, decrease, slow down, dwindle, lessen, die down, abate, slacken, grow less, de-escalate The heavy snow had eased a little.3. move carefully, edge, guide, slip, inch, slide, creep, squeeze, steer, manoeuvre I eased my way towards the door.4. facilitate, further, aid, forward, smooth, assist, speed up, simplify, fast-track, make easier, expedite, lessen the labour of The information pack is designed to ease the process of making a will.
facilitate hinder, retardat ease relaxed, secure, comfortable, informal, laid-back (informal), easy, free and easy It is essential to feel at ease with your therapist.
ease off reduce, decrease, lessen, curtail, slacken Kelly eased off his pace as they reached the elevatorease up on something reduce, cut, moderate, decrease, cut down, curtail, cut back on Ease up on your training schedule a bit.ease up or off die down, fade, weaken, diminish, decrease, wither, lessen, subside, die out, peter out, die away, taper off, grow less The recession may be easing up now.with ease effortlessly, simply, easily, readily, without trouble, with no difficulty Anne was capable of passing her exams with ease.


noun1. Freedom, especially from pain:alleviation, assuagement, mitigation, palliation, relief.2. Freedom from constraint, formality, embarrassment, or awkwardness:casualness, easiness, informality, naturalness, poise, spontaneity, unceremoniousness, unrestraint.3. Freedom from labor, responsibility, or strain:leisure, relaxation, repose, rest.4. The ability to perform without apparent effort:easiness, effortlessness, facileness, facility, readiness.5. Steady good fortune or financial security:comfort, prosperity, prosperousness.Informal: easy street.Idioms: comfortable circumstances, the good life.verb1. To make less severe or more bearable:allay, alleviate, assuage, comfort, lessen, lighten, mitigate, palliate, relieve.2. To reduce in tension, pressure, or rigidity:let up, loose, loosen, relax, slack, slacken, untighten.3. To become or cause to become less active or intense.Off or up:abate, bate, die (away, down, off, or out), ebb, fall, fall off, lapse, let up, moderate, remit, slacken, slack off, subside, wane.4. To make less difficult:expedite, facilitate.Idioms: clear the way for, grease the wheels, open the door for.5. To maneuver gently and slowly into place:glide, slide, slip.6. To advance carefully and gradually:edge, sidle.phrasal verb
ease offTo moderate or change a position or course of action as a result of pressure:relent, slacken, soften, weaken, yield.Idiom: give way.


(iːz) noun1. freedom from pain or from worry or hard work. a lifetime of ease. 舒適 舒适2. freedom from difficulty. He passed his exam with ease. 輕易 轻易,不费劲 3. naturalness. ease of manner. 泰然自若 自由自在,从容,泰然自若 verb1. to free from pain, trouble or anxiety. A hot bath eased his tired limbs. 減輕(痛苦等) 减轻(痛苦等) 2. (often with off) to make or become less strong, less severe, less fast etc. The pain has eased (off); The driver eased off as he approached the town. 減輕,放鬆,減緩,放慢 减轻,放松 3. to move (something heavy or awkward) gently or gradually in or out of position. They eased the wardrobe carefully up the narrow staircase. 小心輕移 小心地移置ˈeasily adverb1. without difficulty. She won the race easily. 輕易地 轻松地2. by far. This is easily the best book I've read this year. 毫無疑問地 毫无疑问地3. very probably. It may easily rain tomorrow. 很可能 很可能ˈeasiness noun 容易,舒適 容易,温和 ˈeasy adjective1. not difficult. This is an easy job (to do). 容易的 容易的2. free from pain, trouble, anxiety etc. He had an easy day at the office. 舒適的 舒适的3. friendly. an easy manner/smile. 友善的 温和的4. relaxed; leisurely. The farmer walked with an easy stride. 輕鬆的 轻松的 interjection a command to go or act gently. Easy! You'll fall if you run too fast. 當心 当心easy chair a chair that is soft and comfortable, eg an armchair. 安樂椅 安乐椅ˌeasy-ˈgoing adjective not inclined to worry. 隨和的 安闲的at ease free from anxiety or embarrassment. He is completely at ease among strangers. 自在 安逸,自由自在 easier said than done more difficult than it at first seems. Getting seats for the theatre is easier said than done. 說比做容易 说来容易做起来难go easy on to be careful with. Go easy on the wine – there won't be enough for the rest of the guests. 寬容對待(某人),有節制地使用(某物) 小心对待,节约使用 stand at ease (eg soldiers) to stand with legs apart and hands clasped behind the back. 稍息 稍息take it easy not to work etc hard or energetically; to avoid using much effort. The doctor told him to take it easy. 慢慢來,放輕鬆,別緊張 松懈,不生气,不紧张 take one's ease to make oneself comfortable; to relax. There he was – taking his ease in his father's chair! 休息,放鬆 休息,放松


  • at (one's) ease
  • at ease
  • be ill at ease
  • ease (on) out
  • ease (someone or something) along
  • ease along
  • ease away
  • ease back
  • ease down
  • ease into (something)
  • ease off
  • ease out
  • ease out of
  • ease out of (something)
  • ease someone into (something)
  • ease up
  • ease up (on someone or something)
  • ill at ease
  • put (one) at (one's) ease
  • put (one's) mind at ease
  • put (oneself) at (one's) ease
  • put one at ease
  • put/set somebody at ease
  • put/set somebody's mind at ease/rest
  • set (one) at (one's) ease
  • set (one's) mind at ease
  • set mind at ease
  • with ease



Military at easea. (of a standing soldier, etc.) in a relaxed position with the feet apart and hands linked behind the back b. a command to adopt such a position


A curve at the lower end of a handrail, where it meets the newel post that supports the handrail.


General purpose parallel programming language, combining theprocess constructs of CSP and the distributed data structuresof Linda. "Programming with Ease: Semiotic Definition of theLanguage", S.E. Zenith, Yale UTR-809, Jul 1990.


EASEÉcole d'Architecture de Saint-Étienne (French: Saint-Étienne School of Architecture; Saint-Étienne, France)
EASEEast-Asian Associaiton for Science Education (Korea)
EASEEnabling Access to Sustainable Energy
EASEEngineering of Computer-Based Systems
EASEEquipment and Software Emulator (semiconductors)
EASEEuropean Association of Science Editors
EASEEstimation and Assessment of Substance Exposure
EASEEqual Area Scalable Earth (Grid)
EASEEnhanced Acoustic Simulator for Engineers
EASEEnglish Application Scripting Engine (Etelos Systems, Inc.)
EASEEdinburgh Authentication Service (web login service; UK)
EASEErgonomic Assist Systems and Equipment
EASEExperimental Assembly of Structures in Extravehicular Activity (NASA; space shuttle)
EASEEasy Access System for Enrollment
EASEEqual Area SSMI Earth
EASEElectrical Automatic Support Equipment
EASEEva Assembly of Structures Experiment
EASEExperiment Assurance System
EASEEmpirical Assessment and Evaluation in Software Engineering (Keele University; Staffordshire, UK)
EASEEvolutionary Acquisition for Space Efficiency (US DoD)
EASEElectronic Assisted Solicitation Exchange
EASEEnd-to-End System Analysis and Service Environment (software framework for geographically distributed processing)
EASEEnterprise Architecture for Service Enablement (workshop)


  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for ease

noun straightforwardness


  • straightforwardness
  • simplicity
  • readiness

noun comfort


  • comfort
  • luxury
  • leisure
  • relaxation
  • prosperity
  • affluence
  • rest
  • repose
  • restfulness


  • pain
  • difficulty
  • poverty
  • discomfort
  • hardship
  • irritation
  • tribulation

noun peace of mind


  • peace of mind
  • peace
  • content
  • quiet
  • comfort
  • happiness
  • enjoyment
  • serenity
  • tranquillity
  • contentment
  • calmness
  • quietude


  • tension
  • disturbance
  • discomfort
  • agitation
  • awkwardness
  • clumsiness

noun naturalness


  • naturalness
  • informality
  • freedom
  • liberty
  • unaffectedness
  • unconstraint
  • unreservedness
  • relaxedness


  • constraint
  • formality
  • awkwardness
  • clumsiness

verb relieve


  • relieve
  • calm
  • moderate
  • soothe
  • lessen
  • alleviate
  • appease
  • lighten
  • lower
  • allay
  • relax
  • still
  • mitigate
  • assuage
  • pacify
  • mollify
  • tranquillize
  • palliate


  • irritate
  • worsen
  • exacerbate
  • aggravate

verb reduce


  • reduce
  • moderate
  • weaken
  • diminish
  • decrease
  • slow down
  • dwindle
  • lessen
  • die down
  • abate
  • slacken
  • grow less
  • de-escalate

verb move carefully


  • move carefully
  • edge
  • guide
  • slip
  • inch
  • slide
  • creep
  • squeeze
  • steer
  • manoeuvre

verb facilitate


  • facilitate
  • further
  • aid
  • forward
  • smooth
  • assist
  • speed up
  • simplify
  • fast-track
  • make easier
  • expedite
  • lessen the labour of


  • hinder
  • retard

phrase at ease


  • relaxed
  • secure
  • comfortable
  • informal
  • laid-back
  • easy
  • free and easy

phrase ease off


  • reduce
  • decrease
  • lessen
  • curtail
  • slacken

phrase ease up on something


  • reduce
  • cut
  • moderate
  • decrease
  • cut down
  • curtail
  • cut back on

phrase ease up or off


  • die down
  • fade
  • weaken
  • diminish
  • decrease
  • wither
  • lessen
  • subside
  • die out
  • peter out
  • die away
  • taper off
  • grow less

phrase with ease


  • effortlessly
  • simply
  • easily
  • readily
  • without trouble
  • with no difficulty

Synonyms for ease

noun freedom, especially from pain


  • alleviation
  • assuagement
  • mitigation
  • palliation
  • relief

noun freedom from constraint, formality, embarrassment, or awkwardness


  • casualness
  • easiness
  • informality
  • naturalness
  • poise
  • spontaneity
  • unceremoniousness
  • unrestraint

noun freedom from labor, responsibility, or strain


  • leisure
  • relaxation
  • repose
  • rest

noun the ability to perform without apparent effort


  • easiness
  • effortlessness
  • facileness
  • facility
  • readiness

noun steady good fortune or financial security


  • comfort
  • prosperity
  • prosperousness
  • easy street

verb to make less severe or more bearable


  • allay
  • alleviate
  • assuage
  • comfort
  • lessen
  • lighten
  • mitigate
  • palliate
  • relieve

verb to reduce in tension, pressure, or rigidity


  • let up
  • loose
  • loosen
  • relax
  • slack
  • slacken
  • untighten

verb to become or cause to become less active or intense


  • abate
  • bate
  • die
  • ebb
  • fall
  • fall off
  • lapse
  • let up
  • moderate
  • remit
  • slacken
  • slack off
  • subside
  • wane

verb to make less difficult


  • expedite
  • facilitate

verb to maneuver gently and slowly into place


  • glide
  • slide
  • slip

verb to advance carefully and gradually


  • edge
  • sidle

phrase ease off: to moderate or change a position or course of action as a result of pressure


  • relent
  • slacken
  • soften
  • weaken
  • yield

Synonyms for ease

noun freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort


  • easiness
  • simpleness
  • simplicity

Related Words

  • effortlessness
  • quality


  • difficultness
  • difficulty

noun a freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state


  • comfort

Related Words

  • affluence
  • richness
  • lap of luxury

noun the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress)


  • relief

Related Words

  • comfort
  • comfortableness
  • reprieve
  • respite

noun freedom from constraint or embarrassment


  • informality

Related Words

  • naturalness

noun freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)


  • repose
  • rest
  • relaxation

Related Words

  • inactivity
  • bed rest
  • bedrest
  • laziness
  • lie-in
  • dormancy
  • quiescence
  • quiescency
  • sleeping
  • leisure

verb move gently or carefully

Related Words

  • go
  • locomote
  • move
  • travel
  • ease up
  • give way
  • move over
  • yield
  • give

verb lessen pain or discomfort


  • comfort

Related Words

  • alleviate
  • relieve
  • palliate
  • assuage

verb make easier


  • facilitate
  • alleviate

Related Words

  • aid
  • assist
  • help

verb lessen the intensity of or calm


  • allay
  • still
  • relieve

Related Words

  • comfort
  • console
  • solace
  • soothe
  • abreact




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