

单词 could



C0681200 (ko͝od)aux.v.Past tense of can11. Used to indicate ability or permission in the past: I could run faster then. Only men could go to the club in those days.2. Used with hypothetical or conditional force: If we could help, we would.3. Used to indicate tentativeness or politeness: I could be wrong. Could you come over here?


(kʊd) vb1. used as an auxiliary to make the past tense of can12. used as an auxiliary, esp in polite requests or in conditional sentences, to make the subjunctive mood of can1: could I see you tonight?; she'd telephone if she could. 3. used as an auxiliary to indicate suggestion of a course of action: you could take the car tomorrow if it's raining. 4. (often foll by well) used as an auxiliary to indicate a possibility: he could well be a spy. [Old English cūthe; influenced by would, should; see can1]


(kʊd; unstressed kəd)

v. 1. a pt. of can 1. auxiliary verb. 2. (used to express possibility): That could never be true. 3. (used to express conditional possibility or ability): You could do it if you tried. 4. (used in making polite requests): Could you open the door for me, please? 5. (used in asking for permission): Could I borrow your pen? 6. (used in offering suggestions or advice): You could ask for more information. [Middle English coude, Old English cūthe; modern -l- (from would1, should) first attested 1520–30] usage: See care.


– could – be able to">be able to

These words are used to talk about ability, awareness, and possibility. They are also used to say that someone has permission to do something. These uses are dealt with separately in this entry. Can and could are called modals.

Both can and could are followed by an infinitive without to.

I envy people who can sing.I could work for twelve hours a day.1. negative forms

The negative form of can is cannot or can't. Cannot is never written 'can not'. The negative form of could is could not or couldn't. To form the negative of be able to, you either put not or another negative word in front of able, or you use the expression be unable to.

Many elderly people cannot afford telephones.I can't swim very well.It was so dark you could not see anything.They couldn't sleep.We were not able to give any answers.We were unable to afford the entrance fee.
2. ability: the present

Can, could, and be able to are all used to talk about a person's ability to do something. You use can or be able to to talk about ability in the present. Be able to is more formal than can.

You can all read and write.The animals are able to move around, and they can all lie down.Lisa nodded, unable to speak.

Could is also used to talk about ability in the present, but it has a special meaning. If you say that someone could do something, you mean that they have the ability to do it, but they don't in fact do it.

We could do much more in this country to educate people.
3. ability: the past

You use could or a past form of be able to to talk about ability in the past.

He could run faster than anyone else.A lot of them couldn't read or write.I wasn't able to answer their questions.

If you say that someone was able to do something, you usually mean that they had the ability to do it and they did it. Could does not have this meaning.

After two weeks in bed, he was able to return to work.The farmers were able to pay their employees' wages.

If you want to say that someone had the ability to do something but did not in fact do it, you say that they could have done it.

You could have given it all to me.You could have been a little bit more careful.

If you want to say that someone did not do something because they did not have the ability to do it, you say that they could not have done it.

I couldn't have gone with you, because I was in London at the time.

If you want to say that someone had the ability to do something in the past, although they don't now have this ability, you say that they used to be able to do it.

I used to be able to sleep anywhere.You used to be able to see the house from here.
4. ability: the future

You use a future form of be able to to talk about ability in the future.

I shall be able to answer that question tomorrow.
5. ability: reporting structures

Could is often used in reporting structures. For example, if a woman says 'I can speak Arabic', you usually report this as 'She said she could speak Arabic'.

She said I could bring it back later.
6. ability: 'be able to' after other verbs

Be able to is sometimes used after modals such as might or should, and after verbs such as want, hope, or expect.

I might be able to help you.You may be able to get extra money.You should be able to see that from here.She would not be able to go out alone.Do you really expect to be able to do that?

Don't use can or could after any other verbs.

7. 'being able to'

You can use an -ing form of be able to.

He liked being able to discuss politics with Veronica.

There is no -ing form of can or could.

8. awareness

Can and could are used with verbs such as see, hear, and smell to say that someone is or was aware of something through one of their senses.

I can smell gas.I can't see her.I could see a few stars in the sky.
9. possibility: the present and the future

Could and can are used to talk about possibility in the present or future.

You use could to say that there is a possibility that something is or will be true.

Don't eat it. It could be a toadstool.He was jailed in February, and could be released next year.

Might and may can be used in a similar way.

It might be a trap.Kathy's career may be ruined.See might - may

Be Careful!
Don't use 'could not' to say that there is a possibility that something is not true. Instead you use might not or may not.

It might not be possible.It may not be easy.

If you want to say that it is impossible that something is true, you use cannot or could not.

You cannot possibly know what damage you caused.It couldn't possibly be true.

You use can to say that something is sometimes possible.

Sudden changes can sometimes have a negative effect.
10. possibility: the past

You use could have to say that there is a possibility that something was true in the past.

He could have been in the house on his own.

Might have and may have can be used in a similar way.

She might have found the information online.It may have been a dead bird.

You also use could have to say that there was a possibility of something being true in the past, although it was not in fact true.

It could have been worse.He could have made a fortune as a lawyer.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'could not have' to say that there is a possibility that something was not true. Instead you use might not have or may not have.

She might not have known the password.

If you want to say that it is impossible that something was true, you use could not have.

The decision couldn't have been easy.The man couldn't have seen us at all.
11. permission

Can and could are used to say that someone is allowed to do something.

You can take out money at any branch of your own bank.He could come and use my computer.

Cannot and could not are used to say that someone is or was forbidden to do something.

You can't bring strangers in here.Her dad said she couldn't go out during the week.


(kud) negative short form couldn't (ˈkudnt) verb1. past tense of can . They asked if I could drive a car; I said I couldn't; She asked if she could go. can 的過去式 can 的过去式 2. used to express a possibility. I could go but I'm not going to; I could do it next week if you helped me. 表示可能性 表示可能性could have used to express a possibility in the past. We could have gone, but we didn't.




  • (Can I) give you a lift?
  • (I'm) (so) glad you could come
  • (I'm) (so) glad you could drop by
  • (one) can do worse
  • (one) can't win
  • (one) can't win for losing
  • (one) could be forgiven for (doing something)
  • (one) could do worse
  • (one) could stand (something)
  • (one) could use (something)
  • (one) might do worse
  • (one) will be forgiven for (doing something)
  • (one) would be forgiven for (doing something)
  • (someone) could sell an icebox to an Eskimo
  • (someone) could sell ice to Eskimos
  • (someone) could sell sawdust to a lumber mill
  • (you) could have fooled me
  • a blind man could see this/that/it
  • a face (that) only a mother could love
  • an atmosphere that you could cut with a knife
  • any fool can/could...
  • any fool could (do something)
  • anything can happen
  • as best one can
  • as far as the eye can see
  • as far as the eye can/could see
  • as much as (one) could do (not) (to do something)
  • as much as somebody can/could do to do something
  • be all (one) could do (not) to (do something)
  • be all somebody can/could do to do something
  • before (one) can say Jack Robinson
  • before (one) could blink
  • before you could say Jack Robinson
  • bite off more than (one) can chew
  • can carry a tune
  • can do with
  • Can I be excused?
  • Can I call you?
  • Can I come in?
  • Can I get by, please?
  • Can I have (one) call you?
  • Can I have a lift?
  • Can I have a word with you?
  • Can I help you?
  • Can I join you?
  • Can I leave a message?
  • Can I see you again?
  • Can I see you in my office?
  • Can I speak to (one)?
  • Can I speak to ? Go to Could I speak to
  • Can I take a message?
  • Can I take your order?
  • Can I tell (one) who's calling?
  • Can I use your powder room?
  • Can we continue this later?
  • Can you excuse us, please?
  • Can you hold?
  • Can you keep a secret?
  • can/could teach/tell somebody a thing or two
  • can't be bothered
  • Check, please
  • could (do something) in (one's) sleep
  • could (do something) standing on (one's) head
  • could (do something) with (one's) eyes closed
  • could (do something) with (one's) eyes shut
  • could (do something) with one arm tied behind (one's) back
  • could (do something) with one hand tied behind (one's) back
  • could be better
  • could be worse
  • could care less
  • could do something with your eyes closed
  • could do with
  • could do with (something)
  • could do with something
  • could do without (something)
  • could drive a truck through (something)
  • could eat a horse
  • could fight a circle-saw
  • could fight a circle-saw (and it a runnin')
  • could have fooled me
  • could hear a pin drop
  • Could I be excused?
  • Could I call you?
  • Could I come in?
  • Could I get by, please?
  • Could I have a lift?
  • Could I have call you?
  • Could I help you?
  • Could I join you?
  • Could I leave a message?
  • Could I see you again?
  • Could I see you in my office?
  • Could I speak to?
  • Could I take a message?
  • Could I take your order?
  • Could I tell him who's calling?
  • Could I use your powder room?
  • could just as well
  • could talk under water
  • could teach (someone) a thing or two (about someone or something)
  • could tell (someone) a thing or two (about someone or something)
  • could tell someone a thing or two
  • Could we continue this later?
  • Could you excuse us, please?
  • Could you hold?
  • Could you keep a secret?
  • could/can do without something
  • could/might just as well...
  • couldn't agree more
  • couldn't care less
  • couldn't care less, he/I/she
  • couldn't carry a note in a bucket
  • couldn't carry a tune in a bucket
  • couldn't get elected dogcatcher
  • couldn't happen to a nicer (person)
  • did everything he could 'cept eat us
  • face (that) would stop a clock
  • face only a mother could love
  • faster than you can say Jack Robinson
  • glad you could come
  • glad you could drop by
  • he, she, etc. could/might be forgiven for doing something
  • hear a pin drop, one/you could
  • how can/could you!
  • how could you
  • How could you?
  • I could (just) spit
  • I could care less
  • I could eat a horse
  • I could eat a horse!
  • I could have bitten my tongue off
  • I could murder (some kind of food)
  • I could murder a...
  • I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you
  • I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you
  • I couldn’t care less
  • I don't suppose you
  • I don't suppose you could...
  • I should cocoa!
  • I wouldn't trust (someone) as far as I could throw (them)
  • I wouldn't trust (someone) farther than I could throw (them)
  • I, you, etc. could use a drink, etc.
  • I'd like a word with you
  • I'd like a word with you. and Could I have a word with you?
  • I'd like to have a word with you
  • if looks could kill
  • if looks could kill...
  • if pigs had wings, they would/could fly
  • it's all (one) can do (to do something)
  • knock (someone) down with a feather
  • knock (someone) over with a feather
  • language that could/would fry bacon
  • look daggers at, to
  • May I speak to (one)?
  • May I speak to ? Go to Could I speak to
  • might could
  • might just as well
  • need (something) so bad (that) (one) can taste it
  • neither can (one)
  • not move a muscle
  • not trust (someone) as far as (one) can throw (them)
  • not trust (someone) farther than (one) can throw (them)
  • not trust someone as far as you could throw them
  • nothing could be further from (something)
  • nothing could be further from my mind
  • nothing could be further from my mind, the truth, etc.
  • only Nixon could go to China
  • quicker than you can say Jack Robinson
  • so bad (that) (one) can taste it
  • so clean (that) (one) could eat off the floor(s)
  • so clean you could eat off the floor
  • so cold (that) you could hang meat (in it/there)
  • so cold you could hang meat
  • so mad (that) (one) could scream
  • so mad I could scream
  • so quiet you could hear a pin drop
  • so still you could hear a pin drop
  • someone could do something in their sleep
  • spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, the
  • stand to lose (something)
  • stand up against (someone or something)
  • tell (someone) a thing or two (about someone or something)
  • the least (one) could do
  • the least you can/could do
  • trust someone as far as one could throw him, not to/I wouldn't
  • want (something) so bad (that) (one) can taste it
  • we, you, he, etc. can/could/might do worse
  • Who would have thought?
  • would if I could
  • you could cut (something) with a knife
  • you could cut it with a knife
  • you could cut the atmosphere with a knife
  • you could eat off the floor(s)
  • you could have fooled me
  • you could have fooled me!
  • you could have heard a pin drop
  • you could have knocked me down with a feather
  • you could have knocked me over with a feather
  • you could have knocked me, etc. down with a feather
  • you could hear a pin drop
  • you could hear the grass grow(ing)
  • you have to (learn to) walk before you (can) run
  • you must (learn to) walk before you (can) run




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更新时间:2025/3/14 4:23:04