


(pushkari), a name for Russian artillerymen in the 16th and 17th centuries that came into general use in the first half of the 16th century.

The cannoneers belonged to the sluzhilye liudi (military service class) and were subordinate to the Pushkarskii Prikaz (Cannoneer Prikaz). Cannoneer service was hereditary. Members of other estates were required to post guarantees before admittance into the service. The cannoneers lived in the cities, where they usually occupied special slobody (tax-exempt settlements). They were paid in kind, in money, and sometimes also in land. The cannoneers were also involved in crafts and trade. The cannoneer service was abolished in the late 17th century and replaced by what were called regiments of the new order.


Chernov, A. V. Vooruzhennye sily russkogo gosudarstva v XV-XVII vv. Moscow, 1954.