
cotyledonbean seed germinating


C0679800 (kŏt′l-ēd′n)n.1. Botany A leaf of the embryo of a seed plant, which upon germination either remains in the seed or emerges, enlarges, and becomes green. Also called seed leaf.2. Anatomy One of the lobules constituting the uterine side of the mammalian placenta, consisting mainly of a rounded mass of villi.
[Latin cotylēdōn, navelwort, from Greek kotulēdōn, from kotulē, hollow object.]
cot′y·le′don·ar′y (-ēd′n-ĕr′ē), cot′y·le′don·al (-ēd′n-əl), cot′y·le′do·nous (-ēd′n-əs) adj.