

单词 blunt dissection
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blunt dissection

blunt dissection

[¦blənt di′sek·shən] (medicine) In surgery, the exposure of structures or separation of tissues without cutting.

blunt dissection


 [dĭ-sek´shun] 1. the act of dissecting.2. a part or whole of an organism prepared by dissecting.aortic dissection a aneurysm" >dissecting aneurysm of the aorta; the usual site is the thoracic aorta. There are two types, classified according to anatomical location: Type A involves the ascending aorta; Type B originates in the descending aorta. Acute aortic dissection is often fatal within one month of onset. Surgical treatment may be delayed in aneurysms involving the descending aorta until the blood pressure has been controlled and edema and friability of the aorta are diminished. The usual course of treatment for an aneurysm of the ascending aorta is immediate surgery. The surgical procedure for either type is aimed at either repairing the intimal tear or removing the affected portion of the aorta. This may be done by suturing the separated aortic layers back together or by removing the damaged section of the aorta and replacing it with a synthetic graft.axillary dissection (axillary lymph node dissection) surgical removal of axillary lymph nodes, done as part of mastectomy" >radical mastectomy.blunt dissection separation of tissues along natural lines of cleavage, by means of a blunt instrument or finger.lymph node dissection lymphadenectomy.lymph node dissection, retroperitoneal (RPLND) retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy.sharp dissection separation of tissues by means of the sharp edge of a knife or scalpel, or with scissors.
The separation of tissues—dissection—along fascial planes with a blunt instrument. Blunt dissection preserves locoregional architecture and structural integrity of nerves, vessels, and lymph nodes

blunt dissection

Surgical technique The separation of tissues–dissection along fascial planes with a blunt instrument; BD preserves locoregional architecture and structural integrity of nerves, vessels, and lymph nodes. See Dissection.

blunt dis·sec·tion

(blŭnt di-sekshŭn) Separating or incising tissue using a dull object, such as one's fingers or the opening action of a pair of scissors.

blunt dissection

A technique in surgery or anatomical dissection in which tissue planes are separated or opened and underlying structures exposed without cutting. Blunt dissection often involves the use of scissors in an opening, rather than a closing, mode. The closed tips are pushed into tissue and then separated so as to split tissue planes.




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