Dagestan Socialist Group

Dagestan Socialist Group


organized in May 1917 in Temir-Khan-Shura by M. Dakhadaev, M. Khizroev, D. Korkmasov, A. Zul’fukarov, S. Gabiev, and A. Takho-Godi. It was heterogeneous in its social composition and political views; it was made up mostly of urban intelligentsia.

The Dagestan Socialist Group did not have a formal program or statutes; however, it played a significant role in the development of the revolutionary movement in Dagestan, conducting revolutionary activities among the mountain inhabitants. The Bolsheviks made use of the revolutionary force of the Dagestan Socialist Group in the struggle to prepare and carry out the socialist revolution in Dagestan. In February 1919 the group was officially disbanded and ceased to exist.