Dagestan Mountain Sheep
Dagestan Mountain Sheep
a breed of fine-wooled sheep produced from 1934 to 1950 in the Dagestan ASSR by crossbreeding local coarse-wooled sheep (Gunib) with Württemburg rams. The live weight of the rams is 80–85 kg, with a maximum of up to 130 kg; of ewes, 50–55 kg, with a maximum of up to 95 kg. The wool is white and uniform, 8.0–8.5 cm long, and principally of no. 60 quality. The shearing from a ram is 5.5–6.0 kg, and sometimes as much as 10 kg; from a ewe, 3.3–3.5 kg, and sometimes up to 6.5 kg. The yield of pure wool is 52–54 percent. Fertility is 130–135 percent. Dagestan mountain sheep are hardy and are well adapted to mountain regions and drove pasturing. They are used for the improvement of local coarse-wooled sheep. They are common in the Dagestan ASSR.