blue toe syndrome

blue toe syn·drome

progressive tissue injury or gangrene from microthromboembolism in the presence of palpable pedal pulses.
Atherothrombotic microembolism of lower extremities due to recurrent cholesterol embolic ‘showers’ with painful cyanotic discoloration of toes and embolism elsewhere, resolving between attacks; despite the gangrenous appearance, BTs may respond to conservative therapy without amputation
Diagnosis Arteriography
Treatment-medical Dypyridamole plus aspirin
Treatment—surgical Thromboendarterectomy of aorta

blue toe syndrome

Cardiology Atherothrombotic microembolism of lower extremities due to recurrent cholesterol embolic 'showers' with painful cyanotic discoloration of toes and embolism elsewhere, resolving between attacks; despite the gangrenous appearance, BTs may respond to conservative therapy without amputation Diagnosis Arteriography Treatment-medical Dypyridamole plus aspirin Surgical Thromboendarterectomy of aorta. See Black toe disease.