Acronym | Definition |
ACOS➣Arc Cosine (Inverse Cosine) |
ACOS➣American College of Surgeons |
ACOS➣Asthma-COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Overlap Syndrome |
ACOS➣Assistant Chief of Staff (also seen as A/COS) |
ACOS➣Advanced Core Operating System |
ACOS➣Associate Chief of Staff |
ACOS➣Arc Cosine |
ACOS➣American College of Osteopathic Surgeons |
ACOS➣Advisory Committee on Safety (IEC) |
ACOS➣A Change of Seasons (Dream Theater album) |
ACOS➣A Crown of Swords (Wheel of Time; book 7) |
ACOS➣Air and Space Communications Operations Squadron (US Air Force) |
ACOS➣Australian Chamber Of Shipping |
ACOS➣Associazione Cattolica Operatori Sanitari (Italian: Catholic Association of Medics and Paramedics) |
ACOS➣Anti-Capitalist Operating System |
ACOS➣Automatic Change-Over Switch |
ACOS➣Aircraft Certification Office Subsystem |
ACOS➣Adaptive Cognitive Orthosis Shell |
ACOS➣Automated Commissary Operations System |
ACOS➣ACCS Common Operating System |
ACOS➣Army Common Operating System |
ACOS➣At Change of Shift |