

单词 der



1. derivation. 2. derivative. 3. derive. 4. derived.



Distinguished Encoding Rules


DERDearborn (Amtrak station code; Dearborn, MI)
DERDepartment of Environmental Regulation
DERDistributed Energy Resources
DERDepartment of Employee Relations (various locations)
DERDepartment of Environmental Resources (formerly Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection)
DERDivision of Engineering Research (various schools)
DERDebt/Equity Ratio
DERDisaster Emergency Response
DERDistinguished Encoding Rules
DERDesignated Employer Representative
DERDeutsches Reisebüro (German Travel)
DERDerevnya (Russian, village; used in postal addresses)
DERDeep Elm Records
DERDepartamento de Estradas de Rodagem (Brazil)
DERDivision of Extramural Research (NIH)
DERDuplicate Email Remover (software)
DERDeparture End of the Runway
DERDividend Equivalent Rights (stock award0
DERDesignated Engineering Representative (commercial airline engineers given signature authority by FAA)
DERDestination Europe Resources (trademark of New World Travel, Inc.; New York, NY)
DERData Error Reporting
DERDual Ethernet Router
DERDrawing Error Report
DERDefinite Encoding Rules
DERDraft Environmental Report
DERDrug Experience Report (pharmascience)
DERDestroyer Escort - Radar
DERdwelling emission rate (UK)
DERDefense Efficiency Ratio (baseball statistic)
DERDose Equivalent Rate
DERDirectly Executable Representation
DERRadar Picket Escort Ship
DERData Evaluation Record
DERDepartment of Environmental Research
DERDesviacion Estandar de la Media
DERDynamically Extensible Router
DERDépartement d'Etudes des Réacteurs (French: Reactors Studies Department; nuclear energy)
DERDescend En Route
DERDigital Extended Request
DERDry Extract Ratio
DERDevelopment Engineering Release
DERDocumentation Evaluation Record
DERDesign Engineering Reliability
DERDiscrepancy Event Report
DERData Exchange Requirement (US Navy)


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