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Seepostural drainage upper lobes" href="javascript:eml2('davisTab', 'd27_1a.jpg')"> POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: posterior apical segments of the right and left upper lobes POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: anterior apical segments of the right and left upper lobes POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: anterior apical segments of the right and left upper lobes POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: anterior segments of the right and left upper lobes POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: posterior segment of the left upper lobe POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: posterior segment of the right upper lobes POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: left lingula POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: right middle lobe POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: anterior basal segments of the right and left lung POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: posterior basal segments of the right and left lung POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: left lateral segment of the lower lobes POSTURAL DRAINAGE OF LUNGS: superior segment of the right and left lower lobespostural drainageA passive airway clearance technique in which patients are positioned so that gravity will assist the removal of secretions from specific lobes of the lung, bronchi, or lung cavities. It can be used for patients with pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, inhaled foreign bodies, before surgery for lobectomy, or in any patient having difficulty with retained secretions. A side effect of the treatment in some patients is gastroesophageal reflux. See: illustrationPatient carePhysical tolerance to the procedure is evaluated. The respiratory therapist teaches and assists the patient in the procedure, as ordered, by positioning the patient for effective drainage of the affected lung region(s). The patient is encouraged to remove secretions with an effective cough. To decrease the risk of aspiration, the patient should not perform the procedure after meals. Chest vibration and percussion are often performed at the same time to assist movement of retained secretions in the lung. See also: drainagepostural drainage A method of disposing of sputum or other secretions by positioning the body so that gravity helps to carry them into a position from which they can be coughed out or otherwise drained away. Chest postural drainage may be assisted by gentle thumps with a cupped hand.Postural drainageThis technique uses the force of gravity to assist in effectively draining secretions from the lungs and into the central airway where they can either be coughed up or suctioned out. The patient is placed in a head or chest down position and is kept in this position for up to 15 minutes. Critical care patients and those depending on mechanical ventilation receive postural drainage therapy four to six times daily. Percussion and vibration may be performed in conjunction with postural drainage.Mentioned in: Atelectasis, Chest Physical Therapy, Spinal Cord Injury |