Acronym | Definition |
COTS➣Commercial Off-The-Shelf (products) |
COTS➣Commercial off-the-Shelf |
COTS➣Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (NASA commercial program to develop a vehicle that can reach low earth orbit) |
COTS➣Commercial Off the Shelf |
COTS➣Crown-of-Thorns (starfish) |
COTS➣Coalition on Temporary Shelter (Detroit, Michigan) |
COTS➣Committee On Temporary Shelter |
COTS➣Common-Off-The-Shelf |
COTS➣Childlessness Overcome Through Surrogacy |
COTS➣Cargo Offload and Transfer System (US DoD) |
COTS➣Consideration of Others Training Seminar |
COTS➣Children of the Sun (song) |
COTS➣Component Off the Shelf (software development) |
COTS➣Cheap Off the Shelf |
COTS➣Crest of the Stars (anime) |
COTS➣Council on Technology Services |
COTS➣Clean, Oil, Test and Stencil (railway brake systems) |
COTS➣Chronicles of the Sword (gaming) |
COTS➣Chapter Operations Training Seminar |
COTS➣Chapter Officer Training School (SPEBSQSA) |
COTS➣Convention of the States (US Constitution) |
COTS➣Church on the Street (religious program) |
COTS➣Corrected on the Spot |
COTS➣Cleaned, Oiled, Tested and Stenciled (railroad air brakes) |
COTS➣Center Outlook Tactical and Strategic |
COTS➣Committee On Technical Security |
COTS➣Center Operations and Technical Support |
COTS➣Container Offloading & Transfer System |