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Francis of Sales
Francis of Sales F0295700 (sālz, säl), Saint 1567-1622. French ecclesiastic who maintained in his many writings, such as Introduction to a Devout Life (1609), that spiritual perfection is possible not just for religious contemplatives but also for people involved in secular pursuits.Francis of Sales (seɪlz; French sal) n (Biography) Saint. 1567–1622, French ecclesiastic and theologian; bishop of Geneva (1602–22) and an opponent of Calvinism; author of Introduction to a Devout Life (1609) and founder of the Order of the Visitation (1610). Feast day: Jan 24Fran′cis of Sales′ (seɪlz; Fr. sal) n. Saint, 1567–1622, French ecclesiastic and writer on theology: bishop of Geneva 1602–22. Francis of Sales
Francis of Sales Saint. 1567--1622, French ecclesiastic and theologian; bishop of Geneva (1602--22) and an opponent of Calvinism; author of Introduction to a Devout Life (1609) and founder of the Order of the Visitation (1610). Feast day: Jan. 24 |