

单词 ber
释义 DictionarySeebere



(protocol, standard)Basic Encoding Rules.


(communications)Bit Error Rate.



a nonsystematic unit of the equivalent dose of ionizing radiation (the international designation is the rem); 1 ber = 0.01 joules per kg (unit of an equivalent dose of radiation in the International System of Units). Prior to the adoption of GOST (All-Union State Standard) 8848-63, the ber was understood to be the biological equivalent of a roentgen (hence the name). In this case 1 ber is equivalent to that irradiation of a living organism by a given type of radiation for which the same biological effect is observed after exposure to a 1-roentgen dose of gamma radiation. The ber is not included in GOST 8848-63.


(1) (Basic Encoding Rules) A set of encoding rules for ASN.1 notation, which is a method for defining data structures. See ASN.1.

(2) (Bit Error Rate) The average number of bits transmitted in error. See BERT.



Abbreviation for basic electrical rhythm.


BERBerkeley (Amtrak station code; Berkely, CA)
BERBit Error Rate
BERBuilding Energy Rating (Ireland)
BERBuilding the Education Revolution (Australia)
BERBiological and Environmental Research
BERBit Error Ratio
BERBasic Encoding Rules (ASN.1)
BERBase Excision Repair (biology)
BERBureau of Environmental Remediation (Kansas Department of Health and Environment)
BERBilateral Economic Relations
BERBlock Exemption Regulation
BERBiochemical Engineering Research (US Department of Energy)
BERBrake Energy Regeneration
BERBack End Rebate
BERBus Extension Receiver
BERBasic Encoding Rules
BERBasal Energy Requirement (nutrition)
BERBlossom End Rot
BERBeyond Economical Repair
BERBureau of Education and Research (educator training; Bellevue, WA)
BERBinary Encoded Representation (programming languages)
BERBassin d'Emploi a Redynamiser (French: Labor Pool Revitalization)
BERBasic Electrical Rhythm
BERBerlin, Germany - Schoenefeld (Airport Code)
BERBourgogne Energies Renouvelables (French: Burgundy Renewable Resources; est. 1998; education and awareness organization; Dijon, France)
BERBiomedical and Environmental Research
BERBrandywine Enduro Riders (Motorcyclists)
BERBasic Error Rate
BERBusiness Expense Report
BERBleeding Edge Release
BERBuilding Energy Regulations (Ireland)
BERBack End Ratio
BERBureau of External Relations
BERBreak Exclusion Requirements
BERBeryllium Electrorefining
BERBureau of Ethnic Research (now Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology)
BERBudget Execution Report/Review
BERBack End Rebate (retail marketing)




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