释义 |
v. t. | 1. | To hold up by leading strings or by the hand, as a child while he toddles.Little children when they learn to go By painful mothers daded to and fro.- Drayton. | v. i. | 1. | To walk unsteadily, as a child in leading strings, or just learning to walk; to move slowly.No sooner taught to dade, but from their mother trip.- Drayton. |
Acronym | Definition |
DADE➣Data Acquisition and Decommutation Equipment | DADE➣Dual Air Density Explorer (US NASA) | DADE➣Differential Absolute Delay Equalization | DADE➣Decreasing Anticholinergic Drugs in the Elderly (New York) | DADE➣Data Acquisition and Decommutation Equipment (NASA) | DADE➣Department of Adult and Developmental Education (college program) |