cancer phobia

An excessive fear of suffering the ravages of malignancy. Cancer phobia more commonly affects those who have directly cared for a loved one who suffered marked pain or disfigurement for a protracted period before death

cancer phobia

Cancerophobia Oncology An excessive fear of suffering the ravages of malignancy; CP more commonly affects those who have directly cared for a loved one who suffered marked pain or disfigurement for a protracted period before death

Patient discussion about cancer phobia

Q. I also fear that if my case is diagnosed as Breast Cancer how can I achieve my dreams? I am a Mechanical Student currently in my second year. It is very rare to find a girl pursuing this course. In fact, all my friends and well wishers too have advised me that it may be tough for a girl pursuing this course of study. I am a very stubborn girl very much firm in my opinion. For the recent past months, I fear that I may be having a breast cancer. I have lethal classes which I always found to be difficult. Of late, I could see a lump in the under arm area which is painful when touched. I fear that this may be due to the heavy workout which I had to do as per my curriculum. I have got so many dreams to be achieved in the near future and this worry is causing me greater concern that I am not able to concentrate in my studies and my performance in the college has also declined to the significant level. I feel that this needs to be diagnosed without any further delay. I also fear that if my case is diagnosed as Breast Cancer how can I achieve my dreams and lead a full-fledged life? Please advise me suitably….A. as jenniferLinda said -there's little to worry about. a lump under the arm can be from many things...there are lymph nodes over there and every viral infection can cause swelling.

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