commando procedure

com·man·do pro·ce·dure

an operation for malignant tumors of the floor of the oral cavity, involving resection of portions of the mandible in continuity with the oral lesion and radical neck dissection. Synonym(s): commando operation
A term attributed to Hayes Martin, a pioneer in head & neck surgery, for the en bloc removal of an advanced 1º malignancy of the oral cavity, usually squamous cell carcinoma—in contrast to lymphoma, which is more responsive to radio- or chemotherapy; this very aggressive procedure entails partial removal of the mandible, floor of the mouth and/or tongue, accompanied by a radical neck dissection

com·man·do pro·ce·dure

(kŏ-man'dō prŏ-sē'jŭr) An operation for malignant tumors of the floor of the oral cavity, involving resection of portions of the mandible in continuity with the oral lesion and radical neck dissection.

commando procedure

A surgical procedure for cancers of the head and neck in which the entire tumor, neighboring lymph nodes, and a portion of the mandible are removed.See also: procedure